Explore the world of fearless heroes and fiendish villains
The world called Earth lives in great peace and harmony. That is until the crime rates began to rise drastically and villains wreaked havoc with crime and villainy, only the Smash Bros. fighters and Soosoi & Company will stop them from ruling the world! Let the war between Good and Evil begin!
Courtney's history of becoming an original character creator
Inspired by Super Smash Bros. and superheroes, I created my 1st original character named Sister Jigglypuff in 2010. And then, I created the Sacred Heroes in 2012. They are slowly gotten popular already. So I decided to make videos of them on GoAnimate and created more and more original characters. From elemental deities to universal guardians. However, after being controversial in 2015, my original characters went from being loved to hated. I decided to stop making GoAnimate videos in 2016. I want to bring back my original characters' fame by creating this website. Complete with all of their information, abilities, personalities, appearances, powers... everything on my very own website, created with Wix. Since I have watched many Alternate Universe (AU for short) videos and Super Smash Bros. is my favorite video game series, I've decided to create my own AU of Super Smash Bros. called Ultimate Armageddon (Formerly known as Super Smash Bros. Armageddon).

Ultimate Armageddon is an AU (Alternate Universe) of Super Smash Bros., similar to all Super Smash Bros. games, but with all the characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (©️ Nintendo), including the heroes as the newcomers. It all started when the eight elemental deities began to retire from being Smash Fighters. However, as their history never fades away, they remain as Legends. As newcomers, an orange-haired boy and a gardening girl got the invitation to join the roster, but they didn't know what to do. A mysterious goddess can help the two kids with their paths to becoming heroes. All it takes is strength, courage, and cooperation. They met up with a color-shifting girl and her family and her three friends, the 1st being an ice queen, the 2nd being a blind gentle giant, and the 3rd being a nature fairy, to meet up at Princess Peach's castle to join the Smash Bros. roster. Many years pass, and after the demon king's defeat and loss of his power, he seeks redemption after an evil army of criminals called the Tamashii Army destroys his kingdom. An arrogant speedster and a girl reincarnated into a doll by a mad scientist betrayed the Tamashii Army and joined the team. After saving Minnesota from being destroyed by the Destroyer, the color-shifting girl realizes that he is her long-lost grandfather and adds him to the team. Her little golden sister invited her best friend, a pink-haired girl with the pink dragon's powers, to Princess Peach's Castle. Together, these 16 heroic original characters have a team name of Soosoi & Company, joining the Super Smash Bros. roster! They will fight crime to restore peace to the universe. As years passed, a young half-genie priestess requested their help as something eviler than the Tamashii Army had come back after being defeated. It was a tiny pink creature with big ears and a 6-winged Shinigami. They are not alone anymore since Sister Jigglypuff created duplicated clones of the Sacred Heroes called the Sacred Sisters. A shinigami captured 12 girls, erased their memories, pulled their strings, and turned them all into his disciples. The Super Smash Bros. roster and Soosoi & Company won't back down as they prepare to defeat those pure evil villains and restore peace to the universe!
There are 13 different elements. fire, nature, wind, water, lightning, darkness, light, earth, ice, magic, metal, cosmic, and normal. Each of these has a strength and weakness, except normal. For example, fire is strong against nature, meaning it deals 1.5x damage and takes 0.5x damage. However, fire is weak against water, dealing 0.5x damage and taking 1.5x damage. Light and darkness are strong against each other, dealing and taking only 1.5x damage. Cosmic is the only element that is strong and weak against all elements, dealing and taking 2.0x damage.
Fire is strong against nature, ice, and wind.
Water is strong against fire.
Lightning is strong against water.
Earth is strong against lightning.
Darkness is strong against earth and light.
Light is strong against darkness.
Metal is strong against light.
Magic is strong against metal.
Wind and nature are strong against magic.
Ice is strong against water.
Cosmic is strong and weak against all elements.
Sub-Elements apply 2 elements that create a different power. For example: Poison is a sub-element that is both darkness and water, so it's strong against earth and fire (Lava), but weak against light and electric (Energy).
Darkness + Water = Poison
Fire + Earth = Lava/Magma
Light + Darkness = Night
Light + Electric = Energy
Electric + Nature/Wind = Storm
Ice + Wind = Blizzard
Magic + Darkness = Witchcraft
Metal + Earth = Magnet
Light + Fire = Sun
Magic + Electric = Plasma
Metal +Water = Mercury
Darkness + Wind = Gas
Darkness + Fire = Dark Fire
Light + Water = Holy Water
Normal + Fire = Fighting
There are 5 different types. All-Around, Power, Speed, Technique (Also known as Skill in European English), and Tricky. They all have strengths and weaknesses, except for All-Around.
All-Around types are well-balanced. They have average power, speed, and skill.
Speed types are nimble, acrobatic, and they like to play hard to catch. Strong against Power-types, weak against Technique-type.
Power types are slow, but they are very powerful. Strong against Technique-types, weak against Speed-types.
Technique types are clever, focused, prudent, and very intelligent. Strong against Speed-types, weak against Power-types.
Tricky types are mischievous and playful with tricks like illusions. Strong against Speed and Technique-types, weak against Power-types.
Heroes are admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. They always fight crime, help others, and save the world. Meet the main protagonists of Ultimate Armageddon!
I don't own the songs.
Credit goes to their rightful owners.

Villains are characters whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot. They commit crimes, invade countries, and destroy heroes. Here are the nefarious and dreadful villains of Ultimate Armageddon!
I don't own the songs.
Credit goes to their rightful owners.

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