Some of you are curious about how to do these items work or who owns it. So this page has the information on each of the items. Let's see how do these items work and find out whose own is it.
The Fairy Amulet (妖精のお守り)

Appearance: The Fairy Amulet appears as an amulet shaped like a pair of a fairy's wings in pink color and green outlines.
Effect: Transform the user (Fairies only) into the Ultimate Fairy, greatly boosting their stats
How does it work?: The user must have it on their neck, hold onto it, and shout, "Ultimate Fairy, Transform!" (in Japanese, "究極の妖精、転身!")
Owner: The Fairy King (Formerly) Nereida (Currently) Gohana (If she steals it)
Side effect(s):
If a withered fairy uses it and transforms, theey will have the transformation, but the colors are darker.
The wearer of the Fairy Amulet might not transform when they are scared.
The Sacred Flower (神聖な花)
Appearance: The Sacred Flower appears as a flower with 7 petals. Each petal has a different color and pictures. The pistil is white and has a bright gray six-pointed star in the middle called the Pistil of Light (光の雌しべ). The 1st petal, titled the Petal of Fire (火の花びら) is red and has some fire on it. The 2nd petal, titled the Petal of the Earth (地球の花びら), is orange and has a rock texture with cracks. The 3rd petal, titled the Petal of Lightning (雷の花びら), is yellow and has lightning on it. The 4th petal, titled the Petal of the Wind (風の花びら), is green and has leaves. The 5th petal, titled the Petal of Water (水の花びら), has a water texture with 2 fish. The 6th petal, titled the Petal of Darkness (闇の花びら), is black and purple with 2 red dotted eyes and a crooked smile. And the 7th petal, titled the Petal of Magic (魔法の花びら), is pink and has hearts on it.
Effect: Heal wounds, break curses, and increase the strength of the user depending on their primary element
How does it work?: It is a plant with elemental-powered petals. Depending on the user's primary elements, it can increase their strength. It can also heal wounds, and break evil curses.
Owner: The Sacred Heroes and Priestess Narniasa
Side effects:
The Sacred Flower cannot be destroyed but can be weakened by villains if they use it. A pure evil villain could further weaken the Sacred Flower, thus draining its power. The Sacred Flower replenishes its power at the Sacred Garden under the sunlight.
The Sacred Flower is the life source AND the power source of the Sacred Heroes. If its powers get drained, the Sacred Heroes will be weakened too. The Sacred Heroes will cease to exist if the Sacred Flower's power is completely drained.
The Sugar Rusher
Appearance: The Sugar Rusher appears as a pink racecar with eyelash car accessory on the headlights, a decal of red lips and a pink lollipop on the roof, multi-colored stars and the sides of the car, a light pink seat, a pink and white rear wing, and 3 exhaust pipes on each side.
Effect: None
How does it work?: It works like most racecars.
Owner: Candi
Side effect(s):

Appearance: Narniasa's Tome appears as a tome with an orange cover, golden designs on the cover, and a blue moonstone in the center.
Effect: Seals Kritanta
How does it work?: Only when Narniasa doesn't have enough strength to seal Kritanta. Narniasa can open this magical tome to seal Kritanta.
Owner: Priestess Narniasa
Side effect(s):
If anyone else besides Narniasa uses this tome attempts to seal Kritanta, it will be completely useless. Only Narniasa can use this tome of hers.
Narniasa's Tome (巫女の本)