Dreadful, Evil, and Most Wanted
Villains are characters whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot. They commit crime, invade countries, and destroy heroes. Here are the dreadful villains of Ultimate Armageddon!

Former Ruler of the Tamashii Army
Age: ??? (Physically 22)
Height: 6'2"
Appearance: Amirra has the appearance of a 22-year-old human woman, with long yellow hair that reaches down to her upper legs. She has an overall elegant and regal appearance, fitting her title as the Queen of the Tamashii Army. Her outfit consists of a layered, white dress, along with numerous gold accessories in the form of a necklace, laurel crown, fibula, armbands, arm brace, armored sleeve, and ornaments secured by belts. She wields a gold staff with a blue handle in her right hand.
Species: Goddess
Personality: Cool, calm & collected, charismatic, powerful, deadly, loyal
Element: Light/Magic
Type: Technique/Power
Likes: Crime, gaining power (Depends on how many villains she recruited to her army), lending villains her power
Dislikes: Peace, heroes
Weakness: Losing power, the darkness, metal, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Status: Deceased
Cause of death: Crushed by Supreme Nature, thus saving Soosoi and Rainbow
Light Manipulation
Staff Magic
Light Magic
Gravity Manipulation - Amirra slows down her opponent by increasing their gravity.
Power Bestowal - After her death, she gave all of her power to her younger self.
Photokinetic Combat
Enhanced Staff Proficiency
Reincarnation - After her death, she gave up all of her powers and her own spirit to her younger self. However, there is a risk that if the Tamashii Princess dies, then all of the Tamashii will die as well, thus making the entire Tamashii Army completely powerless.
Tactical Analysis
Secret Skill:
The Power of the Tamashii Queen - A dangerous buff that strengthens criminals and villains in case if they can't take the heroes fighting them anymore.
Bio: As ruler of the Tamashii Army, Amirra commands criminals and villains to wreak havoc, steal money & jewelry, and attack poor innocent citizens. With her staff, she can lend villains her strength called the Power of the Tamashii Queen. Amirra is trying to stop Rainbow from saving his sister, Soosoi. She dropped Rainbow to the floor by using Gravity Change. Soosoi asks him that is he okay. As she protects her big brother, Amirra charged at them, but the gigantic foot of the Gentle Giant comes down, broke the roof of the castle, and crushed her! All the villains stopped fighting and witnessed the death of the Queen, while the heroes escaped the castle alive with Soosoi rescued. She also appears on Princess Amirra's Final Smash as an enormous image, appearing in the sky.
She is an Enhanced form of Princess Amirra's Spirit, with a trait, Great Autoheal.
Current Ruler of the Tamashii Army
Age: ??? (Physically 10)
Height: 3'4"
Appearance: Young Amirra appears as a preteen girl with medium-short blonde hair, a strapless baby blue dress, long light baby blue gloves, a silver crown, a Tamashii Army amulet, white tights, and white Mary Janes under her dress.
Species: Demigoddess
Personality: Cool, calm & collected, deadly, shy, charismatic
Element: Magic
Type: Technique
Likes: Crime, sending criminals free, lending villains her power, Crime in peace, money, jewelry, world domination, Peace for herself
Dislikes: Criminals taken to jail, the entire world in peace, heroes, her plans being foiled by heroes
Weakness: Lack of power, having her powers drained, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Theme Song: Heavenly Garden -Tekken Tag Tournament OST
Light Manipulation
Tactical Analysis
Astral Projection
Secret Skill:
The Power of the Tamashii Queen - A dangerous buff that strengthens criminals and villains in case if they can't take the heroes fighting them anymore.
Origin: A very long time ago, Amirra was a young little Princess. She was lost in Space, and was found by a cute little creature called a Tamashii. It needed her help to stop the heroes from saving the world and fighting crime.
Bio: She have nightmares of superheroes and heroes taking a lot of Criminals to a "horrible place" she call prison. She wanted the Criminals to be free. So she decided to help the Criminals escape from Prison. Her goal is to bring all Criminals to freedom and annihilate all heroes. Amirra's power gets stronger depending on the amount of villains joining her army.
Once she's defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire her as an Ace-Class Shield Primary Spirit that can be enhanced at Level 99. Once enhanced, she'll become Legend-Class Shield Primary Spirit Queen Amirra, with the trait that grants the player Great Autoheal.

Blue Mastodon of Gluttony
Age: 40
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 440lbs
Appearance: Hungry Hippo appears as an obese adult man with short black hair, a blue shirt exposing his belly, dark navy blue pants, blue eyes, and brown shoes
Species: Human
Personality: Air-headed, easily distracted, not really smart, always hungry, a sweet-tooth, and a meatatarian.
Element: Normal
Type: Power
Likes: Crime, food, turning people into food & sweets and eat them
Dislikes: His lazy ex-wife Hippoella, lack of food, his tummy grumbling, being called fat, heroes, people stopping him from eating
Weakness: Fruits, vegetables, exercise
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Android 21 Theme (Hero) - Dragon Ball Fighterz OST
Gluttony Beam - Hippo shoots a blue laser from his fingertip. If it hits, anyone who got hit will be turned to food. Males will be turned into junk food, while females will be turned into sweets. However, it can be dodged.
Food Monster Summoning - Hungry Hippo can summon dreadful, carnivorous food monsters such as the Burger Spider, French Flies, and the Ice Cream Monster.
Super Eating - Hungry Hippo can Eat massive quantities of food to no ill effect.
Belly Shield - Hungry Hippo can absorb damage with his fat belly.
Enhanced Durability
Gluttony Empowerment - The more he eats, the stronger he gets.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Hungry Hippo can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under his control.
Shockwave Stomp - Due to his weight, Hungry Hippo can stomp the ground with enough force to create a shockwave.
Harold was the most wanted criminal in New York City for buying food without paying money, stealing other people's food, robbing restaurants, and invading parks to ruin barbecue parties by eating all of their barbecues. He continues to steal people's food and eat and eat and eat, but it's never enough for him! He always wants more! He was arrested by the New York City Police and was sentenced in prison for 3 decades. Before he was the most wanted criminal in New York City, he was an undefeated food eating contest competitor with 199 wins and not a single loss. If he wins the food eating contest one more time, he will be 200-0. But unfortunately, his food eating contest winning streak had come to an end by PAC-MAN. After he defeated his opponent, the hunger always gets into him and he attends to turn his opponent into food or sweets. However, he gets easily distracted by food during combat, leaving him vulnerable.
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquired him as a Legend-Class Support Spirit which greatly increases attack, defense, and speed after eating food called Stats After Eating ↑↑↑.

French Style

WWE 2K19 Manager Appearance

Rococo Queen

French Style
SASSI LASSI (サッシー・ラッシー)
Seductive Witch of Lust
Age: 22
Height: 5'9"
Appearance: Sassi appears as a young adult with very long wavy blonde hair. She has a noblewoman's overall, typically associated with The Ojou character type, or haughty, stuck-up woman. She wears sunglasses on her head, a heart necklace, 2 bracelets, one is yellow, the other is pink, red nail polish, gunmetal tights, and pink boots
Species: Human
Personality: Cute, fashion-savvy, cool, calm & collected, elegant, haughty, seductive, and envious. She frequently takes care of her looks and is very protective of it, especially her make-up, her clothes, and her nails, and having it ruined infuriates her.
Element: Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Crime, men, seducing men, getting what she wants, becoming popular, texting, flirting, makeup, cute new clothes
Dislikes: Alaska, heroes, not becoming popular, men being free from Seduction or a Seductive Witch's curse
Weakness: Her makeup being ruined by heroes, being dirty, falling facefirst into the mud, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Theme: Not Your Barbie Girl - Ava Max
Seduction - Sassi winks, twirls, and blows a kiss at the victim, brainwashing them. "Seduced" victims will have their forms remain, but their eyes will be pink with hot pink heart-shaped pupils. Only works against men. Men with nature or wind elements are immune since they are strong against magic.
Seductive Witch's Curse - This curse can decrease heroes' attacks & defense stats, slow them down, and cause them to see an illusion of their friends or loved ones. Only works on men. Men with nature or wind elements are immune since they are strong against magic.
Enhanced Beauty
Lust Empowerment - With her sin of Lust, Sassi gets stronger depending on how many men she seduced.
Martial Arts
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Sassi Lassi can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Secret Skill:
Seductive Witch's Passion - Seductive Witches can seduce more men if they put on some make-up.
Sassi was the most wanted criminal in Los Angeles, California for stealing women's husbands and forcing them to do what she said.
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire her as an Ace-Class Support Spirit that grants the player Autoheal.

Ninja of Greed
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Species: Human
Appearance: Ninji appears as a dark-skinned teenager with red eyes and black hair. Taking down her armpit-length ponytail will give her a brastrap-length straight hair. Her outfit is based off of a ninja.
Personality: Cool, calm & collected, deadly, and silent
Element: Normal/Dark
Type: Speed
Likes: Crime, robbing banks & jewelry stores, death, nighttime
Dislikes: Being caught by the police, heroes
Weakness: Pitfall seeds, timers, light
Gender: Female
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Jump
Escape Artistry
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Stealth Intuition
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Greed Empowerment - With her sin of Greed, Ninji's sense of riches makes her stronger and more faster
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Ninji can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Ninji was the most wanted criminal in Japan for stealing lots of yen. She doesn't speak very much, but she loves robbing banks & jewelry stores at night. Of course, the night is her favorite disguise because she's a ninja!
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire her as an Ace-Class Support Spirit that grants the player Easier Dodging.

Mad Scientist of Wrath
Age: 57
Height: 5'6"
Species: Human
Appearance: Professor Saiko appears an elderly man with white spiky hair and blue eyes. He wears red goggles, a white lab coat, a bright gray collared shirt, a gunmetal tie, brown pants with a yellow belt, gunmetal gloves, and gunmetal shoes.
Personality: Insane, malicious, intelligent, evil, crazy, psychotic, and ruthless
Element: Normal/Metal
Type: Technique
Likes: Crime, making evil inventions, his revenge, being evil, laughing maniacally
Dislikes: Heroes, his inventions getting destroyed, the Dollmaker
Weakness: Wearing a straitjacket, magic
Gender: Male
Theme: Dead Man Walking - Bloodsimple
Enhanced Intelligence
Mechanical Intuition
Mechanical Constructs
Science Intuition
Enhanced Inventing
Robotics Intuition
Chemical Intuition
Wrath Empowerment - Saiko doesn't get stronger, but he does get smarter when he thinks about revenge.
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Saiko can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under his control.
The weakest member yet the leader of the Criminals of the Past. Saiko was the most wanted criminal in England for killing numerous civilians with his evil inventions. This fiend was teased by other science students at the age of 12. 7 years later, he is back for revenge by making evil inventions and kill anyone who stand in his way! But he is only human, so he doesn't have any powers... Nebula calls this psychotic fiend "Colonel Sanders from the Future" because of how Saiko looks, which he hates that and it really annoys him.
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire him as an Advanced-Class Support Spirit that grants the player Energy Attack/Energy Resistance ↑.

Party Style

Fancy Rococo

Jacket and Shorts

Party Style
CAPTURA LOVELOCK (キャプチュラ ラブロック)
Elite Seductive Witch of Envy
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Species: Human
Appearance: Captura appears as a teenage girl with makeup, pink eyes with heart-shaped pupils, and super long pink pigtails that reach down to her upper thighs. She has mid-thigh length straight hair when the pigtails are taken down. She wears a pink shirt that exposes her midriff, a short-sleeved jacket, thigh-high kneesocks, a pink bracelet, a pink plaid skirt, pink sneakers, heart-shaped earrings, and heart-shaped pigtail holders.
Personality: Cute, cool, calm, & collected, seductive, stuck-up, haughty, snooty, and envious
Element: Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Crime, turning men into brainwashed slaves, capturing men and trapping them in her Heartlock, getting what she and Sassi wants, cute clothes
Dislikes: Heroes, Alaska, not getting enough attention
Weakness: Her heartlock being broken by heroes, ruined makeup, being dirty, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Theme: She Wants Me Dead - CAZZETTE
Seduction - Captura winks, twirls, and blows a kiss at the victim, brainwashing them. "Seduced" victims will have their forms remain, but their eyes will be pink with hot pink heart-shaped pupils. Only works against men. Men with nature or wind elements are immune since they are strong against magic.
Seductive Witch's Curse - This curse can decrease heroes' attacks & defense stats, slow them down, and cause them to see an illusion of their friends or loved ones. Only works on men. Men with nature or wind elements are immune since they are strong against magic.
Heartlock - With her seductive witch magic, Captura blows a kiss with both hands while winking, stunning her opponent and trapping them into a magical pink heart-shaped padlock called the Heartlock. She'll be weakened if the Heartlock is broken.
Enhanced Beauty
Envy Empowerment - With her sin of Envy, Captura gets stronger of her own jealousy of love
Martial Arts
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Captura can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Secret Skill:
Seductive Witch's Passion - Seductive Witches can seduce more men if they put on some make-up.
Captura was the most wanted criminal in Miami, Florida for trapping men in her Heartlock. Unlike Sassi Lassi, Captura is an 'Elite' Seductive Witch. Elite Seductive Witches both seduce and capture men. Captura will stop at nothing to capture the male heroes and trap them inside her trusty Heartlock.
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire her as a Legend-Class Support Spirit that grants the player Great Autoheal.

Red Mastodon of Sloth
Age: 40
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 250lbs
Species: Human
Appearance: Heather appears as a chubby adult woman. Her hair is medium-length which is black with red highlights. She wears a red shirt that exposes her fat belly, a white vest, a white pencil skirt, gray tights, and burgundy red heels.
Personality: Lazy and grouchy
Element: Normal
Type: Power
Likes: Doing nothing, crime, criminals
Dislikes: Being told what to do, Hungry Hippo (Possibly), Hippo eating a lot, being called fat, heroes
Weakness: Exercise (Possibly), her ex-hungry husband, Hungry Hippo
Gender: Female
Theme: Gluttony Battle - Dead Rising 3 OST
Sloth Empowerment
Super Eating
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Heather can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Heather was the most wanted criminal in Canada for the same things that Hippo does, but her truth reveals that she is the most wanted criminal in Canada for... littering. Hungry Hippo and Hippoella broke up on February 21st, 2018. The 2 reasons are that Hippoella couldn't stand Hippo not sharing his food with her and/or the Tamashii Army and Hippo couldn't stand her laziness. Because of her laziness, she lets the criminals do the job for her. She has an Ace-Class Support Spirit of herself that increases the player's shield durability.

ANGUS (アンガス)
The Black Bull of Pride
Age: 31
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 386lbs
Appearance: Similar to Taurus, but his skin is darker, wears darker clothing, has dark hair, and has red eyes.
Species: Anthropomorphic Black Bull
Personality: Tough, proud, disrespectful, arrogant, overly-confident, aggressive, rude, bossy, show-off, and ruthless
Element: Earth
Type: Power
Likes: Lifting weights, calling people "Wimps", winning, flexing his muscles, being considered as the King of Texas, defeating anyone who stands in his way, taunting the other bulls who are jealous of him, bullying Taurus, his cow babes
Dislikes: Losing, Taurus the Bull
Weakness: The darkness, his overconfidence driving him to a risk
Gender: Male
Theme: Some Bodies Gonna Get It - Three Six Mafia (Mark Henry's Entrance Theme)
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Bovine Physiology
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Strike
Accelerated Muscle Development
Pride Empowerment - Through his sin of Pride, Angus is much more powerful when he thinks he's better than everyone.
Spirit Control - Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Angus can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under his control.
Passive Skill(s):
King of Texas - Angus has a 50/50 chance of nullifying incoming damage from Darkness fighters. Additionally, damage dealt with Darkness fighters increased by 75%.
Counterbreaker - When hit by a counterattack, Angus counterattacks the counterattacker with an even stronger counterattack and stuns them.
Taurus' archenemy. Angus is the strongest cattle in Texas. He has defeated many of his opponents and never lost. The cows really adore him more than the cattles. Angus and the cattles love to tease Taurus, calling him and other people "wimps". After the Texas Hero Arc, his strength gave the evil Tamashii Army's attention, so he lends Princess Amirra his strength, and join the Tamashii Army. His goal is to become "King of Texas" and rule over the ranches of Texas.
Once defeated at the Final Battle, you'll acquire him as a Legend-Class Neutral Spirit with a trait that greatly increases the player's physical attacks such as punches and kicks.

CATTLE (牛くん)
Bodybuilding Fiends
Age: 26
Height: 6'11 ½"
Species: Anthropomorphic Cattle
Appearance: Similar to Angus, but has a brighter color scheme.
Personality: Tough, prideful, arrogant, cocky, overly-confident, disrespectful, and ruthless
Element: Earth
Type: Power
Likes: Lifting weights, calling people "Wimps", winning, flexing his muscles
Dislikes: Losing, fighting women
Weakness: The darkness
Gender: Male
Theme: Southern Proud - CFO$ (The Revival's Theme)
Appears in large numbers?: Possibly yes
Strength: Very High
Intelligence: Somewhat Low
Speed: Fast
Stealth: Low
Durability: Very High
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Bovine Physiology
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Strike
Accelerated Muscle Development
A cattle will stop at nothing to impress the cows with their muscles. They like to tease at Taurus with Angus. After the Texas Hero Arc, some cattle/bulls are not really happy that Taurus successfully Angus with a major upset victory. Their strength has caught the evil Tamashii army's attention, so he lends Princess Amirra his strength and join the Tamashii Army.
WHITE COW (白牛ちゃん) & BROWN COW (褐牛ちゃん)
Queens of Texas
Age: 21 (Both)
White Cow's height: 6'5"
Brown Cow's height: 6'5"
Species: Anthropomorphic Cow
Appearance: The cows appear as young adults with long hair that reaches down to their breasts, horns, and chokers with a bell. The cows both have the same outfit, but they have different lower clothing. The white cow has green eyes and wears shorts, while the brown cow has brown eyes and wears a miniskirt.
Personality: Seductive, sthenolagnical, peppy, haughty, energetic, and bootylicious
Element: Earth
Type: Power
Likes: Watching the cattle lifting weights, watching the cattle flexing their muscles, Angus
Dislikes: Taurus, "wimps", heroes
Weakness: The darkness
Gender: Female (Both)
Theme: Make Them Bounce - Lil Jon
Bovine Physiology
Sex Appeal Combat
Enhanced Cuteness
Pygakinetic Combat
Pectukinetic Combat
Enhanced Body
These cows are known as the Queens of Texas. These ladies are searching for a "King of Texas." If the cattle impress the cows the best, he will be crowned as King of Texas. Unfortunately for Taurus, he tries to impress them by complimenting them, but they reject him... These two cows are also Angus' "cow babes". They will never leave Angus' side.
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(破壊 悪)
T͎̻̙̖̱̯̻͔̪͗͟Hͦͫ̋͠҉͉͖̦͇̤Ẹ̠̟̬̙͍ͪ́ ̵͎͈̟̟̰͖̠̹͑̋ͯP̸̰̻̫̼̽́̀I̟̝̝̻ͥ͒͋ͨͅNͧ̽͛͐̎͂̌͂҉͞͏̭̼͙̮̰̙̳͔K͇̹̓ͪ́̀͞ ̢͙̱͍͉̲̈́ͧ̇͆B̫̼͍͓̞̐͋͒́Ãͯ͐̿̾͊̚͞͏̻̦̬̲̥̼N̡͙͍̝̩̺̞͖̓S̒ͣ҉͕̹͝Ḩ̃̈ͯ҉̭̞͘Ḙ̡̻͈͉̽̎͐Ḙ̴͇͇̬̘͉̯ͪ̿͞
Age: ?̠͔̰̲̜̙̥͋̔̄ͣ̀?͏͕͙͔?̈҉͉̟̩̳̝ (Physically 6)
Height: 4'0"
Species: ???
Appearance: Hakai physically appears as a cute preteen girl that has black hair with tips of pink on the edges that are about medium-long. The closer she is to be able to use her Demonophobia magic, the pinker her hair will be, starting from the bottom. Once Demonophobia is available for her, her hair becomes completely pink with no trace of black. She wears a magenta skirt which has hot pink ruffles, a gunmetal shirt with a hot pink neckline, gunmetal kneesocks, and gunmetal Mary Janes.
Personality: Playful, quick to smile, bursting with energy, happy-go-lucky, energetic, outgoing, peppy, and cheerful (All at first and formerly) Sadistic, psychotic, violent, power-hungry, ruthless, and insane
Element: Dark/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: People fearing her, F̾̐̎͆͗͒̎҉̠̘̞͇̲͇̼E̛̓̅̔͛͏̟̙̀A͖̬̗ͣ̋̃̆ͣ̚͠Ṙ̷̬̆̽͟͟, death, O̴̩͚ͪ͊͗̕Ş̮̱͈̥̄ͮ͝͡O͚̫̣̙͋̏̎̒̀R̬̫ͥͤͭE̹͚̯̬̫ͤ́, collecting powers from other heroes and feed them to O̴̩͚ͪ͊͗̕Ş̮̱͈̥̄ͮ͝͡O͚̫̣̙͋̏̎̒̀R̬̫ͥͤͭE̹͚̯̬̫ͤ́, winning, being feared by Eclipse
Dislikes: People facing their F̞̬̯̮̞̎E̴̯͎̳̬͋͛̆̈́̐̚A̵̯̲͎ͩ̓ͮR̹ͬ̂̋̎͑ͅS̞̃ͭͣ̏̀, fleeing from battle, losing
Weakness: The Light, Eclipse Solar System, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Hakai Aku's Theme Song: Fear (Instrumental Mix) - Ventrom
Hallucination Casting - Due to H̪̬̮̤͖̺̎̏̉̆̋ͅÉ͇R̲̯͇̯̤ͩ̾ͧ̒̄ͫͬ special trait, F̠̋̆̊̂E̙͇̮ͯ̕Ą̱̠̣͈͊̒̓R̸̭̅̐̽, H̼̺̭̓̊͋̔ͪ̃͘A̳̓ͫ̕K̻͍̝͉̯̯ͤͦ̆̋́ͨͪA̴̼̩̲͓̟̮͙ͪ̔̓̓́̚I͔̯̱͇̖͇̫͛͊ͮ can cause others to hallucinate and S͛̿҉̣H̱̣͕E͏͈͍ can control these hallucinations. S͛̿҉̣H̱̣͕E͏͈͍ often uses this power to strike FEAR into H̳̹͉͈͆E̯̠͙ͬ̌̃̃ͨ͢R̸̠͈̲̩͚͔̮ opponent's heart by creating hallucinations of someone, usually a loved one.
Hypersonic - Hakai can move at a speed that makes it look like she's teleporting.
Statistics Amplification - Hakai usually grows stronger when more fear is around, the closer she is to death and how much power she absorbed. She feeds on the fears of others and even their own to get stronger. Usually when closer to death she grows stronger depending on how close she is to dying. When Link was about to unleash her Final Smash, the Ancient Bow & Arrow to the Pink Banshee, her hair turned fully pink and with enough strength, Osore escaped Stasis Link trapped her in.
Immortality - H̻̙͙͖̙̗̃̔͑A͓̬̠̖̺͆͛̅K̵̤̖͊ͨ̆̈́̈A̲̙̫̟͈̲ͤ̎̂̈̌̓̚Iͫ̊̾͑͏̗̪̺ is shown to be biologically immortal and possesses eternal life, or at least an extended lifespan, having been around for around 300 years. In addition, Șͦ͢H͔͙͓͎̖̜̪̚Ĕ͞ is resilient against physical damage; even before S̻̰H͕̞͋̃͛̃E̠̗͈̠ͨ attained H̥͔͉̮͇͔͓͝E̖͉̤͚̱ͧͭͮͬŔ̹͍̳̞̱̲͔ healing factor, H͓̤̥̖̤͓͔ͣ̚Ḁ̂̽ͩ̍̈́̾̀K̴̻̬͇͖̰̝̗͒̔̿͊̔Ȧ̹̥́̅̄I͉̙͋ͥͧͫ ̳̂ͩͧ̐͐̂̚͝Ȧ̝͎̮͙͖͛̎̿͠Ķ̬̠̦̮̱̫̳̉ͥͪ̚U̢̯̦̦͉͎ was unaffected after Captain Falcon punched H̞̋E̺͖̭̳̍͆̕R͉̖̳̪̳͚̆ͦ̓ͫ̃̎͘ in the face with his powerful Falcon Punch.
Mind Reading - It is confirmed in the above conversation between Hakai and Osore that she can read memories and look into one's soul by looking at the victim's eyes. This is presumably also how she figures out her victims' worst fears.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Hakai can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Fear Inducement
Fear Empowerment
Spear - This spear is able to pierce through the target's chest, which reveals its power through the other end of the spear. It is also capable of removing it from the victim without breaking it. A rope/string can be attached to the spear in order for Hakai to collect the powers of the target after the spear stabs them.
Scythe - Possibly H̟͚̬̦̖̐͂̑̆ͫA̻̘̼ͬ́̃ͧ̚͝Kͥͫ̈́͘҉̦̥̪͈͈A̧̼͉͎̙͒͌̑ͮ̆͊̉͡I̫͐͋͋̇ͧ́'S best-known weapon, (besides her iconic spear) which is her most used weapon to attack her foes. Though she can use it to destroy or throwback enemy projectiles. Hakai Aku can also use an extremely powerful slash with her scythe.
Osore - Hakai was capable of using her companion, Osore, as a weapon. The creature can form various weapons, such as a scythe or an arm-mounted blade.
Secret Skill: Rhodophobia - Hakai's opponents become frightened if he/she confronts her. Only works once on opponents she faced for the first time only.
Knowing that crime's time is running short, Princess Amirra prayed with all her heart to summon the most powerful and destructive villain imaginable. A villain whose sole purpose is to ensure that heroes, humans, demons, gods, elves, Amazons, Atlanteans, and giants would never live in peace. H̷̛͔̪̯̣̻̜̤͆̍͌ͪ͒̂͐̈́̿̈̉̓̚͜ͅĄ̵̅̿̏̌̾ͯͬͦ̄͌̔͑́͟҉̖͓̭͎̖̞̟̩̱̱̰K̨̛̯̱͚̜̘͈̱͉̱̟͖͍̣̩̟̘̖̯̆̈́ͥ͆ͭ̇̀̌̏̈ͦ̕A̷̢̲̥͙̗̱͕̪͍̼̩͈̠͌ͪ͒̃̑́̀̉̈̑̐̄I̵͎̻̻̜͍̦̖ͤ̈́͌̊̄̌́ ̨̭̪͙̱͈̳̙̩̘͓͎̟̟͍ͮ͂̉͐ͦͥ̕͠A̶̧̛̪͔̤͙͎̳̞͔̪͍̔̓̃ͧͭͦ͒̋̎ͩͅK͊̉̎̓͛ͦ̉̏̃͛́ͯͥ̀͞͡҉͍̯̜̱̯͈̖̬̝̝͞Uͫ̏͒͏̶̦͍̹̝͕͔̯͓͓̫̠̼̝̗̩̺͢ is the right villain to help the Tamashii Princess with that. With Ȟ̷̪͎̣̗́̚Ė̮̜̬̄̏̉̓͘R͔̟̟͍ companion, Ȍ̐ͭͪͦ͆̚҉̖̦͍S̺͛͑̽͞O̓ͪͪ̑̈́͏̞R̰͕̪͉̦̰ͭ͑̈͌̽ͣͮE̷̝̞͒ͅ, they will stop at nothing to collect and feed on heroes' powers. S͖̋ͮ̽̚̕H̡̱̣͙̫̞̰̃̉ͧ̅E̩̼͕̜̼ͮ was a friend of Eclipse in Kindergarten until S̤̬̟̭̠͍͋̂̊̿̓́̍Ḩ͈̤͂ͬͩͦ̀̈́E̩͉͙̫͍̗͒͌ͬ̋ͫ̈̒ reveals H̭̯͓̮̟̞̀͑͟E̠͚̗̠̼̓͑͋͒̄R̮̦̃̌ͯ̑̈́͊̂͞ true nature and betray him.

Age: ?̠͔̰̲̜̙̥͋̔̄ͣ̀?͏͕͙͔?̈҉͉̟̩̳̝
Height: Appears to be able to change her size and shape.
Species: Physical form of F̾̐̎͆͗͒̎҉̠̘̞͇̲͇̼E̛̓̅̔͛͏̟̙̀A͖̬̗ͣ̋̃̆ͣ̚͠Ṙ̷̬̆̽͟͟
Appearance: Osore is a bubblegum-like pink blob that has a face.
Personality: Playful, quick to smile, bursting with energy, happy-go-lucky, energetic, outgoing, peppy, and cheerful (All at first and formerly) Sadistic, psychotic, violent, power-hungry, ruthless, and insane
Element: Dark/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: People fearing her, F̾̐̎͆͗͒̎҉̠̘̞͇̲͇̼E̛̓̅̔͛͏̟̙̀A͖̬̗ͣ̋̃̆ͣ̚͠Ṙ̷̬̆̽͟͟, death, Hakai Aku, collecting powers from other heroes and being fed by Hakai Aku, winning, being feared by Eclipse
Dislikes: People facing their F̞̬̯̮̞̎E̴̯͎̳̬͋͛̆̈́̐̚A̵̯̲͎ͩ̓ͮR̹ͬ̂̋̎͑ͅS̞̃ͭͣ̏̀, fleeing from battle, losing
Weakness: The Light, Eclipse Solar System, nature or wind
Gender: Female
Theme Song: Fearless Terror [Betty's Fight Theme 2] - Glitchtale OST
Shapeshifting - Osore can change shape and turn into a wide variety of weapons, different objects and is able to change their form entirely.
Flight/Floating - Osore has shown the ability to flight very frequently.
Mind Reading - Osore that she can read memories and look into one's soul by looking at the victim's eyes. This is presumably also how she figures out her victims' worst fears.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Osore can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Fear Inducement
Fear Empowerment


The Leader of the Dark Soul Trio
Age: 14
Height: 8 inches (3'9" if grown in size)
Species: Fairy
Appearance: Gohana physically appears as a preteen fairy that has green hair with tips of dark red-orange on the edges that's about long to her back, which includes a long bang that obscures her left eye. She wears a sleeveless green top, a green skirt with white ruffles, no shoes, a green lacey wristband on her left wrist, a green arm sleeve on her right arm, cotton on her ankles, and a flower with a red eyeball replacing the pistil. Gohana's left eye is red, has a black sclera, and a white pupil with a thin circle almost surrounding the white pupil. In her Ultimate Fairy form, her hair has a burnt-orange to crimson red gradient color and it reaches down to her hips. Her Ultimate Fairy outfit is similar to Nereida's, but it's in a darker color since she is overfilled with jealousy and revenge. She also has 2 Eyes of the Withered.
Personality: Tsundere, power-hungry, revenge-seeking, easily angered, energetic, and envious
Element: Nature/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Getting things her way, getting the Fairy Amulet, Nereida (Formerly)
Dislikes: Nereida (Currently), not getting things her way, not getting enough attention
Weakness: Fire
Gender: Female
Theme: The Summer Fire -Senran Kagura Estival Versus OST
Plant Manipulation: Like the other Natural Fairies, Gohana can manipulate plant-life.
Fairy Physiology: Gohana has the power to use the abilities of fairies.
Flight: Gohana can fly, of course fairies like her can fly!
Size Reduction: Just like the Natural Fairies, Gohana can shrink herself down to 8 inches.
Wind Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Fire Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Water Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Lightning Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Light Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Darkness Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Earth Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Ice Manipulation (Only when she transforms into the Ultimate Fairy)
Fairy Dust: Gohana's fairy dust can corrupt her opponent's mind, which makes he/she fight alongside her.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Gohana can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Envy Empowerment - Because of her jealousy of Nereida being the chosen one to use the fairy amulet, her betrayal and her jealousy make her stronger.
Secret Skill:
Unlike Ember, Gohana has a rare eye condition, The Eye of the Withered, which was obscured by her bang. If her opponent gazed at her Eye of the Withered, his/her attack power will decrease by 35%.
Gohana is a Natural Nature Fairy. The Seductive Witches attacked the Nature Fairies, and she was one of the surviving fairies along with Nereida. Her left fairy wing was cut off by a Succubus, but she still manages to fly. She despises Nereida for having the Fairy Amulet when she wants it. She got really jealous of Nereida that her hair starts to 'wither' (The bottom part of Gohana's hair became dark red-orange). Tired of not being noticed by the rest of the fairies, she betrayed the Fairy King & the Natural Fairies and has embraced wrath against nature and the heroes!

AMELIA VALENTINE (アメリア バレンタイン)
The Second Member of the Dark Soul Trio
Age: 14
Height: 4'1 ½"
Species: Human (Possessed by a demon)
Appearance: Amelia appears as a young girl with brown medium-long hair. She has teal eyes. Her sclera turns black and her pupil turns red if she gets sadistic. She wears a white dress, gray kneesocks, and a pair of Mary Janes.
Personality: Shy and sadistic. When sadistic, Her sclera color changes to black with her pupil color changing to red. She also smiles sadistically. She is also a yandere.
Element: Normal/Darkness
Type: All-Around
Likes: Genocide, Eclipse
Dislikes: Pacifist, Trixie, Ann Star
Weakness: Light, A cross
Gender: Female
Theme: I'll Make Sure To Protect You! - Senran Kagura: Estival Versus OST
A kitchen knife: Amelia doesn't have any powers, but she can fight with her kitchen knife.
Hypersonic: Amelia can move at a speed that makes it look like she's teleporting.
Statistics Amplification: Similar to Hakai Aku, Amelia usually grows stronger when closer she is to death and how many people she killed. She feeds on the death of others and even their own to get stronger. Usually when closer to death she grows stronger depending on how many people she killed.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Amelia can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Secret Skill: None
Amelia lived a terrible life as she was abused by her parents. As revenge, she killed them in cold blood with a kitchen knife and starts to cause Genocide on all adults who were being "mean" to their children.

The Third Member of the Dark Soul Trio
Age: 18 (Actually 8000)
Height: 5'8"
Species: Dark Elf
Appearance: Erabelle appears as a teenage dark elf with a slightly dark lilac skin color and periwinkle pigtails that are about super long. She has black sclera and yellow fierce eyes. Each side she wears red ribbons. She wears a mauve school jacket, gray sweater underneath it, a white shirt underneath it, a mauve skirt, white socks, brown shoes, a red bow, and some glasses.
Personality: Cool, calm, & collected, stoical, caring, valiant, brave, kind, somewhat vengeful, and mature.
Element: Darkness
Type: Technique
Likes: Peace, meditating, tea, her mother
Dislikes: Her guilt of killing her own mother
Weakness: Light
Biggest fear: Heights
Gender: Female
Theme: Grandfather's Wish - Senran Kagura Estival Versus OST
Weapon: Epee
Hypersonic: Erabelle can move at speed that makes it look like she's teleporting.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Erabelle can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under her control.
Enhanced Speed: Erabelle possesses enhanced speed.
Sword Proficiency
Secret Skill:
Danger Intuition: Dark Elves like Erabelle can sense danger. They can sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to their well-being and evade it.
At young age, Erabelle was trained to be a swordfighter by her grandmother. Erabelle, at age 13, won the Fencing Tournament. She however did a terrible thing, as her guilt consumes Erabelle's innocent soul as she killed her own mother and she was banished from the Dark Elf Realm for good!
SHANE ROBERTS (シェーン・ロバーツ)
The Worst Convenience Store Cashier
Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Species: Human
Appearance: Shane appears as a young adult with messy black hair, a black chin strap beard, a white polo shirt with blue stripes, navy blue capri pants, blue eyes, and green sneakers.
Personality: hot-headed, sly, egotistical, perfidious, and "hard-working".
Element: Normal
Type: Tricky
Likes: lying, stealing from customers, robbing, and his job
Dislikes: Telling the truth, Soosoi Hibibibi, Madison, and his supervisor
Biggest fear: Spiders, non-human races
Gender: Male
Theme: Latin Industries - Kevin MacLeod
Weapon: A big sack of stolen goods
Powers: None
He is the most wanted criminal in Phoenix, Arizona for stealing products from customers at the convenience store. He works there as a cashier. Soosoi and Madison visited the store to buy snacks Soosoi bought many snacks for the Smash Fighters, while Madison bought some for herself, Soosoi, and the other member of Soosoi & Company. As they arrived at the cash register, Shane asked "nicely" the 2 girls that he would "take care" of their products. Soosoi and Madison were confused, and they gave up their products to this sly fox. His supervisor wanted the Sim and the Gardener to meet him in his office. He recorded Shane's schemes with his security camera and showed them a clip, revealing that he was lying to the customers and stealing their products.

REPLICA SUPREME NATURE (レプリカ スープリーム・ネーチャー)
The Green Gruesome Giant
Age: 751
Height: 1,250'9" (7'4" if shrunken down to human size by Princess Amirra)
Species: DNA-Copied Creation
Appearance: Similar to the Supreme Nature, instead he has the Tamashii Army symbol on his left cheek and he is voiceless. When he opens his eyes, he has black sclera and red eyes.
Personality: Silent, ruthless, a bit benevolent, and deadly
Element: Nature
Type: Power
Likes: Nature, Gohana, the Tamashii Army, crime (Sometimes), wreaking havoc and blaming it on the real Supreme Nature
Dislikes: The Real Supreme Nature
Weakness: Fire
Gender: Male (Trap)
Created by: Professor Saiko
Theme Song: Forsaken - Bart Stoop
Wood Manipulation - Supreme Nature can use roots to attack or bind opponents.
Resurrection Magic - His resurrection magic is called Naturalia Salve. Once used, gold light surrounds the victim, healing their wounds and bringing them back to life. However, it requires a cooldown after this magic is used.
Plant Manipulation - Replica Supreme Nature can control nature himself. He can revive dead flowers too!
Nature Manipulation
Nature Magic
Gardening Intuition - Supreme Nature may be a giant, but he really loves planting trees and flowers.
Power Negation - Supreme Nature's powerful punch can remove all enemy's buff. He calls it the "Alpha Declaration".
Invulnerability (Only when he's in his regular size)
Enhanced Durability (Only when he's shrunken)
Supernatural Strength (Only when he's in his regular size)
Enhanced Strength (Only when he's shrunken)
Giant Physiology - He can easily subdue smaller targets and fight similarly-sized foes on equal footing. The extra mass also grants his strength to destroy buildings and other structures with ease. Due to his massive size, Supreme Nature needs a minimum space of 6 or more lanes of the street to move properly, as such he is not useful in small or confined spaces. His actions also tend to accidentally result in massive property damage, which causes his financial trouble. Giants are very slow, so he needs to be careful not to be vulnerable for enemies to attack.
Shockwave Stomp - At his normal size, Replica Supreme Nature's stomp is powerful enough to obliterate multiple villages in a certain area.
Spirit Control: Through the Tamashii Queen's Power, Replica Supreme Nature can corrupt Fighter Spirits and Spirits and force them under his control.
Bulletproof Durability
Secret Skill:
Natural Blessing - When Replica Supreme Nature uses Naturalia Salve on withered plants, they will be brought back to life and will never wither.
The Supreme Nature has a bigger situation that is bigger than his actual size, his replica. His replica was created by Professor Saiko, Mad Scientist of Wrath from the Tamashii Army by copying his DNA.

Age: 29
Height: 6'3"
Species: Human
Appearance: Sassi's bodyguard appears as a slimly muscular young adult man with short light brown hair. He wears sunglasses, a gunmetal suit, a red tie, denim pants, and pale brown loafers. Under his sunglasses are blue eyes.
Personality: Calm, protective, mature, loyal, obedient, and strong
Element: Normal
Type: All-Around
Likes: Sassi Lassi, protecting her from harm, the Tamashii Army
Dislikes: Sassi Lassi in danger, Sassi under arrest, Sassi not being under his protection, Alaska, fighting women
Weakness: Alaska
Gender: Male
Peak Human Durability
While Sassi was seducing the male citizens, she found this man begging for mercy and pleading that he will do anything for her, so she hired him as her bodyguard. As a bodyguard, he is responsible for restraining the heroes from attacking the Seductive Witch of Lust.

Age: 24 (Physicially 18)
Height: 5'6 ½"
Species: Human
Appearance: Longhair appears as a young adult with absurdly long black hair, light skin, brown eyes, pink blush, pink eyeshadows, and hot pink lipgloss. She wears a strapless pink dress, gunmetal fishnet thigh-high socks, golden hoop earrings, a pearl necklace, a yellow bracelet on her right wrist, and mauve boots.
Personality: Stuck-up, haughty, beautiful, arrogant, easily jealous, cowardly, fashion-savvy, bratty, elegant, snooty, and egotistical. She frequently takes care of her hair and is very protective of it, and having it ruined infuriates her.
Element: Normal/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Her hair, shampoo and conditioner, herself, ambushing her opponents
Dislikes: her hair being damaged, her hair getting cut, the Sacred Heroes
Weakness: A haircut, nature, wind
Gender: Female
Prehensile Hair
Hair Regrowth - If not cut off completely, Longhair's hair will grow back. It will take one whole week for her hair to grow back when completely cut off fully.
Comakinetic Combat
Hair Imprisonment
Comakinetic Constructs - When Longhair changes hairstyles, her fight style changes too. A braid deals heavy damage, pigtails grant her flight, an afro breaks her fall or causes her to fall slowly like a parachute, having her hair down blocks incoming opponent attacks, and her signature hairstyle, the ponytail, whips and captures careless opponents
One of the Sacred Heroes' old adversaries. Before Longhair became a powerful villain, she was jealous of other people having long hair. She failed a couple of methods that could make her hair grow longer, but an accident made her dream come true. Nuclear waste was accidentally spilled onto her hair by a handler. The next day she woke up, she now had absurdly long hair that she could control!
These following villains are NOT members of the Tamashii Army and might be pure evil or as Narniasa calls it "The Greater Evil!" If their section color is black with red text, that means that villain is pure evil, and I mean, eviler than the Tamashii Army. You have been warned!

OBSIDIAN (オブシディアン)
Goddess of Nightmares
Age: Unknown (Physically 27)
Height: 5'10"
Appearance: Similar to Carmin Bellini, but has a gunmetal and gray color scheme. She also has the Amulet of Nightmares around her neck.
Species: Human (Cursed by the Amulet of Nightmares)
Personality: Cool, calm & collected, sadistic, and mature
Element: Dark
Type: Tricky
Likes: Nightmares, despair, fear, death, crime
Dislikes: Carmin Bellini (possibly), heroes, Ember, dreams
Weakness: Dreams, light
Gender: Female
Theme Song: The Reaper Named Phoenix - Gacha World OST
Darkness Manipulation
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Nightmare Inducement
Fear Inducement
Shadow Ball Projection
Black Mist - Obsidian uses Black Mist to surround her ally with black smoke, thus protecting them from the opponents. Black smoke will appear around his/her body. Her ally will speak in her voice, it's like playing mind games. The Black Mist can help Obsidian's ally disappear if the villains need to retreat.
After the final song in the New York City Festival, the red-dressed songstress was ready to ride the limousine to home, until she found a black gem call the obsidian. After she touched it, the darkness from the obsidian corrupted and transformed her into this nightmarish freak of nature. At night, Obsidian invades people's homes and turn their dreams into nightmares. The heroes must remove the obsidian off her necklace and destroy it to save the songstress. As the Goddess of Nightmares, she can cause a fighter to have nightmares. The affected opponent can't take any action and will take damage instead. Carmin uses the obsidian to transform into the Goddess of Nightmares to stop Hungry Hippo from taking over New York City. She has an Ace-Class Support Spirit of herself that grants the player the immunity to falling asleep.

AZARAX (アザラックス)
The Dark Damsel in Chains
Age: 762,824
Height: 5'8"
Species: Zhadow
Appearance: Azarax appears as an adult woman with dark pale lavender skin, red lipsticks, black hair that is down to her mid-thighs, a sleeveless dark dress wrapped in chains with black and purple flames that is part of her dress, black boots with dark purple stripes, horns, one silver ring earring, a silver crown with a pink emblem, a lacy garter belt, pink eyes with black sclera and plum eyelashes, long gloves with white faux fur at the end, and 4 wings.
Personality: Azarax was kind, benevolent, calm and at peace at first, but because of Sacred Earth's heavy footsteps annoying her, she becomes easily-angered, vengeful, sadistic, wrathful, and aggressive.
Element: Darkness/Metal
Type: Tricky
Likes: Peace and quiet, red wine
Dislikes: Sacred Earth, having her free time being interrupted or ruined, loud noises, Sacred Earth's heavy footsteps, Sacred Earth's footsteps getting heavier when he gets bigger, people interfering with her fight against Sacred Earth/being attacked by anyone else other than Sacred Earth while fighting him (It makes her want to retreat).
Weakness(es): The light, magic
Gender: Female
Chain Manipulation - Azarax can bind her opponents in chains and can use it as a whip too.
Darkness Manipulation - Azarax can control the darkness and use it as a weapon.
Flight - She has wings! What do you expect?!
Shadow Mimicry - Azarax has a body made up of shadows.
Aerial Combat Mastery
Umbrakinetic Combat
Enhanced Combat
Mind Reading
Tranquil State
Feral Mind - Only when she's irritated by Sacred Earth
Secret Skill:
Nocturnal Boost - Zhadows like Azarax have their stat boost at nighttime during battle.
Lurking in the shadows of the underground, the dastardly damsel named Azarax is what the earth elemental heroes should be scared of. She was first off at peace, however, she was really annoyed by Sacred Earth's heavy footsteps. Tired and enraged, she seeks revenge on the God of the Indestructible Rocks!

KRITANTA (クリタンタ)
The 6-Winged God of Death
Age: ???
Height: 9'6"
Species: Shinigami
Appearance: Kritanta appears as a 6-winged demon that physically looks like an adult man with a wild messy hairstyle, black eyes with black sclera and red outer circle pupils, a jacket, horns, pointy ears, black finger bandages, shorts, leg warmers, socks, and no shoes.
Personality: Sadistic, dark-hearted, eloquent, intelligent, genocidal, misanthropic, ruthless, arrogant, and power-hungry
Element: Darkness
Type: Power
Likes: Stealing the Sacred Flower, death, his puppets, The Shadow Monsters, red wine, draining the priestess' magic, using his illusions on Rachel Rose
Dislikes: Not having enough power, the Sacred Sacred Heroes, Soosoi Hibibibi and her friends and family, humans, peace, being sealed, Sister Jigglypuff (Sometimes)
Weakness: The Sacred Sword, light
Gender: Male
Theme: Darkness - Persona 3 FES OST
Darkness Manipulation
Summoning - Using his dark magic, he can summon an army of Shadow Monsters
Illusion Generation
Slaughter Scratch - An attack so excruciating it can kill the victim and leaves a large 3-claw scratch mark on his/her torso
Hand-To-Hand Combat
Final Smash Counter - Kritanta is strong enough to counter his opponent's Trapping Type Final Smashes.
Final Smash Deflect - Kritanta is strong enough to reflect his opponent's Directional Type Final Smashes.
Final Smash Negation - With a snap of his fingers, Focused, Stage-Wide, and Transformation type Final Smashes will be immediately interrupted. He used that on Princess Peach while he was outside the tourney, giving Sister Jigglypuff the (undeserved) losing streak-breaking victory.
Death Empowerment - Due to Shinigami's Curse, Kritanta gets stronger if he causes death.
Killing Empowerment - Thanks to Shinigami's Curse, Kritanta gets stronger if he kills someone. Killing someone with great power will make him WAY stronger.
Umbrakinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Omnipotence (Only if he steals and absorbs the Sacred Flower's power)
Universe Destruction/Creation (Only if he steals and absorbs the Sacred Flower's power) - With the Sacred Flower's power in his hand, Kritanta can use its power to destroy the universe and recreate a new one in his image
Mortal Weapon Immunity - Kritanta cannot be harmed by mortal weapons such as swords, blunt weapons such as bats, guns, explosives, etc.. However, he isn't immune to holy weapons such as the Sacred Sword.
Control Immunity
Secret Skill:
Shinigami's Curse - Kritanta's victims will not be able to be revived unless he is killed if his victims are eradicated. However, the Tamashii Queen's revival power, the Water Guardian of Honesty's, and the Ultimate Fairy's can ignore the Shinigami's Curse.
The Sacred Heroes' arch-nemesis will stop at nothing to achieve absolute power. Many years ago, he was sealed away by a half-genie demigoddess priestess named Narniasa. Then at the present timeline, a white-haired tactician made the foolish mistake of not listening to the Priestess about the book after grabbing it from the library. The tactician summoned Kritanta after he saw the torn-off page that warned him about summoning Kritanta and not caring. Instead of thanking the tactician, he claimed him as his 1st victim!
The 12 Disciples of Kritanta
![]() Lily (リリー) | ![]() Amy (エイミー) | ![]() Eve (エヴァ) |
![]() Betty (ベティ) | ![]() Chloe (クロエ) | ![]() Emily (エミリー) |
![]() Penny (ペニー) | ![]() Becky (ベッキー) | ![]() Mary (メアリー) |
![]() Molly (モリー) | ![]() Emma (エマ) | ![]() Zoe (ゾーイ) |
Their names, appearances, and their individual powers will appear in the description on each image.
Age: ???
Height: 4'4"
Species: Human (Formerly) Puppet (Currently)
Appearance: The puppets all physically look like young preteen girls, has pale skin, black dull eyes, gunmetal-colored hair, and gunmetal-and-white-colored clothing.
Personality: Sadistic, misanthropic, a bit shy, and psychotic. Puppets lack shadows under their eyes when they act innocent, playful, and cheerful.
Element: Darkness
Likes: Kritanta
Dislikes: The Sacred Sacred Heroes, being harmed or attacked
Weakness: Light
Gender: Female
Sealing - The puppets can seal their opponents' powers, making them unusable.
Dark Arts - The puppets, only if they all work together, can perform black magic, which grants Kritanta strength.
Regenerative Healing Factor
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Survivability
Weapon Immunity
Control Immunity
Secret Skill:
Shinigami's Gift - Puppets cannot be killed and cannot die due to "Kritanta's gift". However, when she takes enough damage, she will vanish, causing her to retreat to her comrades. Attacking one of the puppets will enrage the Shadow Monsters and Kritanta, which makes them attack the attacker.
Kritanta captured 12 girls, erased their memories, and creating empty puppets in his likenesses... Then, Kritanta uses his dark magic to pull the puppets' strings. These 12 little girls all transformed into his loyal disciples. Once they become his puppets, they will never turn their backs on him and will never turn back to the way they are. The leader of the 12 puppets is Lily.
LIAM (リアム)
The 13th Puppet of Despair
Age: ???
Height: 4'4"
Species: Human (Formerly) Puppet (Currently)
Appearance: The puppets all physically look like young preteen girls, and has pale skin, black dull eyes, gunmetal-colored hair, and gunmetal-and-white-colored clothing. But, Liam is the only male puppet. Having short hair with a short ahoge, a white short-sleeved shirt with gray buttons, suspender shorts, rolled-up socks, clogs, and a red bowtie.
Personality: Sadistic, misanthropic, a bit shy, and psychotic. Puppets lack shadows under their eyes when they act innocent, playful, and cheerful. Liam is also arrogant.
Element: Darkness
Likes: Kritanta, despair, Sephiroth (His Smash Bros. main), watching mortals suffer, playing mind-games with his enemies, his own power, the other puppets
Dislikes: The Sacred Sacred Heroes, being harmed or attacked, hope, his enemies beating his mind-games, wasting time, enemies trying to escape him, being defeated
Weakness: Light?
Gender: Male
Type: Tricky
Reality Warping
Space-Time Distortion
Regenerative Healing Factor
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Survivability
Weapon Immunity
Supernatural Intelligence
Control Immunity
Secret Skill: Shinigami's Gift - Puppets cannot be killed and cannot die due to "Kritanta's gift". However, when she takes enough damage, she will vanish, causing her to retreat to her comrades. Attacking one of the puppets will enrage the Shadow Monsters and Kritanta, which makes them attack the attacker. But Liam didn't care.
Passive Skill:
Inescapable Kill - No matter how far Liam's enemy is away from him, they'll be immediately killed by him in his hands, so running away and hiding from him is nearly impossible. Teleporting away from him has a low-to-medium chance of ignoring this Passive Skill of his. This automatically activates only when his enemies are too late to escape his mind-games for 10 seconds.
Due to the gender ratio of Ultimate Armageddon having more female characters than male characters, Kritanta captured another child, this time, a male child. The puppets are clueless like they never heard of him. Liam is the most powerful puppet with the ability to warp reality and control space-time.

Age: 1
Height: 2.6 inches
Species: Anthropomorphic Pokémon
Appearance: Sister Jigglypuff appears as a humanized Jigglypuff. Referring to Jigglypuff's 2nd color scheme on Super Smash Bros., Sister Jigglypuff has a red hibiscus. She also wears a short-sleeved shirt, a skirt, kneesocks, and Mary Janes.
Personality: Easily-angered, power-hungry, misanthropic, psychotic, somewhat cocky, easily jealous, and vengeful
Element: Normal
Type: All-Around
Likes: Forcing people to obey her, victory, being huge via the Giant Jigglypuff glitch from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Sacred Sisters
Dislikes: Being super tiny, being defeated, being stomped on, failure, people disobeying her
Weakness: Failing the Giant Jigglypuff Glitch, being crushed, milk (She's lactose intolerant.)
Gender: Female
Theme: Risky Boots - Shantae: Risky's Revenge OST
Giant Jigglypuff Glitch - Occurs when Sister Jigglypuff is in the middle of using Puff Up, causing it to keep her increased size at whatever moment it was interrupted. This is highly recommended for it to work on the Bridge of Eldin. If it fails, Sister Jigglypuff will return back to her original size. Being swallowed by Yoshi's Egg Lay increases her size even further.
Enhanced Speed - Despite her super small size, she's really fast.
Peak Human Intelligence - She's really smart for a tiny villainess. She's capable of inventing clone machines and mechs the size of an average human.
Small Size
Remember this scoundrel? Sister Jigglypuff is the most nefarious pure evil villain ever existed. Her goal? Force the entire world to obey her.
Evil All-Female Duplicated Clones of the Sacred Heroes
![]() Anti-Fire (反火災) | ![]() Anti-Earth (反地球) | ![]() Anti-Electric (反雷) |
![]() Anti-Wind (反風) | ![]() Anti-Water (反水) | ![]() Anti-Dark (反闇) |
![]() Anti-Heart (反心) | ![]() Anti-Light (反光) |
Age: ???
Height: Anti-Fire is 5'4 ½", Anti-Earth is 5'5", Anti-Electric, Anti-Wind, Anti-Water & Anti-Light are 5'4", Anti-Dark is 5'0", and Anti-Heart is 5'9"
Species: DNA-Copied Creations
Appearances: The Sacred Sisters all have hibiscuses, teal eyes, and big ears just like Sister Jigglypuff.
Likes: Sister Jigglypuff
Dislikes: Sister Jigglypuff being attacked or harmed
Weaknesses: It depends on their elements, individuality
Gender: Female
Theme: I Want You - Panty & Stocking OST (Scanty & Kneesocks' Theme)
Secret Skill:
Sister Bond - Whenever Sister Jigglypuff is in grave danger, the Sacred Sisters do everything they can to protect her!
Their bios will appear in the description on each image.
Tired of being defeated countless times by the Sacred Heroes, Sister Jigglypuff created the Sacred Sisters by copying the Sacred Heroes' DNA and made them quite like Sister Jigglypuff with her ears and her signature hibiscus. Sister Jigglypuff is not alone anymore. If they get hit by the elemental physical or magical attacks that match their element, they will get stronger. Anti-Light is the leader of the bunch.

Age: ??? (Physically 24)
Height: 6'0"
Species: ??? (Physically Human)
Appearance: The male lieutenant appears as a young adult man with a messy medium-low gunmetal bob cut hairstyle with red highlights and gunmetal streaks on his fringe, a 4-point star and a moon face paint on his right eye, and red eyes. He wears a gunmetal long-sleeved shirt with a sailor collar, gunmetal boots, and gunmetal pants. As a first officer, he also has a badge on the right side of his shirt and a gunmetal tie with red lines. His weapon of choice is a halberd. His eyes occasionally are obscured by the shadow in his face. The first lieutenants can grow 4 wings instead of 2, slightly increasing their speed of flight.
Personality: Misanthropic, cruel, loyal, noble, ruthless, intolerant of failure, intolerant of surrendering, omnicidal, strong, brave, dark-hearted, evil, calm, and merciless
Element: Darkness
Type: Technique
Likes: The general, the servants, h̥͔͍̉̋̍̋I̫͉̖͕͍͍̬̹ͮ̎ͦͬͮ͋͛ͣ̀͘͢S̡̛͔̺͕̞̣ͣ̌͆̔ͦ̅ͣ ̡̭̭͚͕̻̳ͥͥ̓͑̂́̀͢mͯͮ̋͌̿͆ͬͫ͏̣̭͝A̤̻̥͎̝̼̝̋̍s̍̊ͭ̏̚҉̵͓̗̗̗̬̳͕Ṫ̳̰͓͇̝̜̝͓̎̆̉̉͜E̤̟̼ͬ͌̍͢ͅr̰̦͙̗̞̍̉ͅ, the female lieutenant, destruction, death, killing humans, chaos, completing the mission, servants completing the mission
Dislikes: Heroes, justice, peace, the Sacred Heroes, the Elemental Guardians, humans, failing the mission, servants failing the mission
Weakness: Light
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Sphinx Battle Theme - Kamihime Project OST
Strength: High
Intelligence: Medium-High
Speed: Medium
Stealth: A little bit high
Durability: Medium-High
Appear in large numbers?: No
Darkness Manipulation
Control Immunity -
attempted to brainwash Ͷ̣̖͖̪̪͙͍̺̖̐͌̎̌̃ͩ͌̌̕͟ì̜̲͔͎̪̝̺̹͙͓̜͈̥̃̾͛͒͐̅̀̚͘ᴚ̨̛̛̱̘̺̼̙̘͙͔̯̹͙̥̙̫͙̒ͦ̔͌̎ͭ̆͂ͯͨ͂̾͊ͮͮͥ̿̀ɳ̸̡͖̼͉̮͕͇̘̳̼̼̩̠̪̲͕͕̜̃̂ͦͧ͐ͯͨ͊ͤ͆͜ᾱ̡̧͔̯̫̙̳͍̼͖̹̲͔̫̟̠̥͓̟͂ͯ͆ͨ̌̊́ͤ̇ͥ̐̎͘͜ͅƧ̶̡̩̣̙̦̹̱̤͎̜̘̗̋̔̿̒ͥͫͦ͑̄̒̎̀͘ͅh̷̢͆ͣͤ̓̍̎̀̀͋͑͒̚͏̲̤͉Ⱥ̶̧̦̪̳̹̦̙̟͙̯͉ͨ͋̓͗̆̆͆ͯͮ̏́̀͞'s servants but failed. Turns out they cannot be brainwashed by her stickers and brainwashing spells.
Halberd Proficiency
Umbrakinetic Combat
Darkness Infusion
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Strength
Flight - First officers' sclera turns black as they grow wings and take flight.
Aerial Combat Mastery
There are 2 lieutenants in Ͷ̵̡̡̦̝͎̫̫̦͍̲̖̲̲͕̖̳͉̫̖̰̔̎͑ͭ̽ͪ̎ͦ̍ͭ͐͢ì̆ͨ̇̅͏͎̣̘̱̮̯̜ᴚ̛̠̣̝͇̲̩̰̥͎͖͍̭̺̗͍̎̑̂̀ͫͬ̒ͧͮ͑ͯ͆̔̚ɳ̶͕͈̞̮̲ͯ̉͑̈ͯ͗̾ͮ́ͩ̿ͫͥ͞α̡̈̾̿̂ͧͨ̓͛ͥ͏̖̻͙̘Ƨ̴̨̝̜̯͔͖͇͉̩͚̫̙̤̬͚̰ͧ̆̏͒͑̓̋̎̔̾̒̕͜͟h̵̷̛̪͈̫̘̹̮̤̼̘ͫ̇͆̑̂͗̌͑̅ͩ̏̓͐̌̔͘͟Ⱥ̨͓̫̱̞̦̻̪̹̲̲͙̝̘̝͕͂ͫ̉ͩ̽̃̓̽̒ͪͬ͗̂́̚͜͞'s army; one male, the other female. They are both stronger, faster, and smarter than the other servants of doom. They will stop at nothing to obliterate all those who stand in their way and capture all of the elemental guardians to have all of their powers drained by the God of Doom.

Age: ??? (Physically 19)
Height: 5'5"
Species: ??? (Physically Human)
Appearance: The female lieutenant appears as a young adult woman with red long hair that reaches down to her waist, a 6-point star face paint on her right eye, crimson red eyelashes, and red eyes. She wears a gunmetal and red uniform dress with a white leotard underneath, tights, gunmetal and red boots, and a finger-cut glove on her right hand. As a first officer, she also has a badge on the right side of her shirt and a gunmetal tie with red lines. Her weapon of choice is a rapier. Her eyes occasionally are obscured by the shadow in her face. The first officers can grow 4 wings instead of 2, increasing their speed of flight.
Personality: Misanthropic, cruel, loyal, noble, ruthless, intolerant of failure, intolerant of surrendering, omnicidal, serious, haughty, strict, strong, brave, dark-hearted, evil, calm, and merciless
Element: Poison/Light
Type: All-Around
Likes: The general, the servants, h͕̾̄ͣͣ͆̀͗̀͡Ȩ̜̤̮̽̓ͤͯ̿ͩ͡Ŕ̢̛̛̙̹̳͇ͧͦ̅ͫ ̲̩͕̎̾ͫ́̿ͧ̑͘͢M͎̗̩̝̘͚̦͊̈ͮͨ̾̈͋a̵̧̺̞̪̰͚̰ͬͫ́̃̓̈̑͜S͙̼̘̖̖̱̍̌́t̪̙̥͙͉̙̆̐͂ͫ͒ͣe̫̮͖̘͔̱̖͔ͧR͔ͦͯͮ̓͐̌ͤ̉ͅ, the male lieutenant, destruction, death, killing humans, chaos, completing the mission, servants completing the mission
Dislikes: Heroes, justice, peace, the Sacred Heroes, the Elemental Guardians, humans, failing the mission, servants failing the mission
Weakness: Metal, lightning
Gender: Female
Theme Song: Deliverance - WWE (Bayley's Entrance Theme)
Strength: High
Intelligence: Medium-High
Speed: Fast
Stealth: High
Durability: A little bit high
Appear in large numbers?: No
Poison Manipulation
Control Immunity -
attempted to brainwash Ͷ̣̖͖̪̪͙͍̺̖̐͌̎̌̃ͩ͌̌̕͟ì̜̲͔͎̪̝̺̹͙͓̜͈̥̃̾͛͒͐̅̀̚͘ᴚ̨̛̛̱̘̺̼̙̘͙͔̯̹͙̥̙̫͙̒ͦ̔͌̎ͭ̆͂ͯͨ͂̾͊ͮͮͥ̿̀ɳ̸̡͖̼͉̮͕͇̘̳̼̼̩̠̪̲͕͕̜̃̂ͦͧ͐ͯͨ͊ͤ͆͜ᾱ̡̧͔̯̫̙̳͍̼͖̹̲͔̫̟̠̥͓̟͂ͯ͆ͨ̌̊́ͤ̇ͥ̐̎͘͜ͅƧ̶̡̩̣̙̦̹̱̤͎̜̘̗̋̔̿̒ͥͫͦ͑̄̒̎̀͘ͅh̷̢͆ͣͤ̓̍̎̀̀͋͑͒̚͏̲̤͉Ⱥ̶̧̦̪̳̹̦̙̟͙̯͉ͨ͋̓͗̆̆͆ͯͮ̏́̀͞'s servants but failed. It turns out they cannot be brainwashed by her stickers and brainwashing spells.
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Umbra-photokinetic Combat
Toxikinetic Combat
Poison Infusion - The female first officer can infuse poison onto her weapon. Her opponents will be poisoned when hit by her poison-infused weapon
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Athletic Combat
Flight - First officers' sclera turns black as they grow wings and take flight.
Aerial Combat Mastery
Invulnerability Bypassing - The female first officer's attacks are capable to harm anyone who has the invulnerability ability, like Eclipse in his adult form and Supreme Nature at his normal size.
There are 2 lieutenants in Ͷ̵̡̡̦̝͎̫̫̦͍̲̖̲̲͕̖̳͉̫̖̰̔̎͑ͭ̽ͪ̎ͦ̍ͭ͐͢ì̆ͨ̇̅͏͎̣̘̱̮̯̜ᴚ̛̠̣̝͇̲̩̰̥͎͖͍̭̺̗͍̎̑̂̀ͫͬ̒ͧͮ͑ͯ͆̔̚ɳ̶͕͈̞̮̲ͯ̉͑̈ͯ͗̾ͮ́ͩ̿ͫͥ͞α̡̈̾̿̂ͧͨ̓͛ͥ͏̖̻͙̘Ƨ̴̨̝̜̯͔͖͇͉̩͚̫̙̤̬͚̰ͧ̆̏͒͑̓̋̎̔̾̒̕͜͟h̵̷̛̪͈̫̘̹̮̤̼̘ͫ̇͆̑̂͗̌͑̅ͩ̏̓͐̌̔͘͟Ⱥ̨͓̫̱̞̦̻̪̹̲̲͙̝̘̝͕͂ͫ̉ͩ̽̃̓̽̒ͪͬ͗̂́̚͜͞'s army; one male, the other female. They are both stronger, faster, and smarter than the other servants of doom. They will stop at nothing to make their master proud by obliterating those who stand in their way and capturing all of the elemental guardians to have all of their powers drained by the God of Doom.
No Eyepatch
With Wings/Shadeless/No Eyepatch
Age: ??? (Physically 37)
Height: 6'2"
Species: ??? (Physically Human)
Appearance: The general appears as an adult man with medium-length grey hair, red eyes, and face paint on his left eye. His right eye is hollow because it was removed by the Fire Guardian whilst trying to capture him. He wears an eyepatch that covers his right eye, a long-sleeved gunmetal shirt with 6 silver buttons and a sailor collar, gunmetal jeans, gunmetal boots, and a gunmetal marine hat. As a general, he also has a badge on the right side of his shirt, a red and black strap, and a gunmetal tie with red lines. His weapons of choice are a sword and a rifle. His eyes occasionally are obscured by the shadow on his face. The general, same as the lieutenants, can grow 4 wings instead of 2, increasing his speed of flight.
Personality: Misanthropic, cruel, loyal, noble, ruthless, intolerant of failure, intolerant of surrendering, impulsive, intelligent, intolerant of failure, omnicidal, headstrong, strong, powerful, serious, strict, brave, dark-hearted, evil, and merciless
Element: Darkness
Type: Power
Likes: The lieutenants, the servants, h̥͔͍̉̋̍̋I̫͉̖͕͍͍̬̹ͮ̎ͦͬͮ͋͛ͣ̀͘͢S̡̛͔̺͕̞̣ͣ̌͆̔ͦ̅ͣ ̡̭̭͚͕̻̳ͥͥ̓͑̂́̀͢mͯͮ̋͌̿͆ͬͫ͏̣̭͝A̤̻̥͎̝̼̝̋̍s̍̊ͭ̏̚҉̵͓̗̗̗̬̳͕Ṫ̳̰͓͇̝̜̝͓̎̆̉̉͜E̤̟̼ͬ͌̍͢ͅr̰̦͙̗̞̍̉ͅ, destruction, death, killing humans, chaos, the Disease of Hate
Dislikes: Heroes, justice, peace, the Sacred Heroes, the Elemental Guardians, humans, the Disease of Hate being cured by Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart herself
Weakness: Light
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Overkill - RIOT
Strength: Very High
Intelligence: High
Speed: A little bit slow
Stealth: High
Durability: A little bit high
Darkness Manipulation
Control Immunity - Sister Jigglypuff attempted to brainwash Ͷ̣̖͖̪̪͙͍̺̖̐͌̎̌̃ͩ͌̌̕͟ì̜̲͔͎̪̝̺̹͙͓̜͈̥̃̾͛͒͐̅̀̚͘ᴚ̨̛̛̱̘̺̼̙̘͙͔̯̹͙̥̙̫͙̒ͦ̔͌̎ͭ̆͂ͯͨ͂̾͊ͮͮͥ̿̀ɳ̸̡͖̼͉̮͕͇̘̳̼̼̩̠̪̲͕͕̜̃̂ͦͧ͐ͯͨ͊ͤ͆͜ᾱ̡̧͔̯̫̙̳͍̼͖̹̲͔̫̟̠̥͓̟͂ͯ͆ͨ̌̊́ͤ̇ͥ̐̎͘͜ͅƧ̶̡̩̣̙̦̹̱̤͎̜̘̗̋̔̿̒ͥͫͦ͑̄̒̎̀͘ͅh̷̢͆ͣͤ̓̍̎̀̀͋͑͒̚͏̲̤͉Ⱥ̶̧̦̪̳̹̦̙̟͙̯͉ͨ͋̓͗̆̆͆ͯͮ̏́̀͞'s servants but failed. It turns out they cannot be brainwashed by her stickers and brainwashing spells.
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Enhanced Gunsmanship
Umbrakinetic Combat
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Athletic Combat
Flight - The general's sclera turns black as he grows wings and takes flight.
Aerial Combat Mastery
Virology Intuition - Assisting his master, Ͷ̵̡̡̦̝͎̫̫̦͍̲̖̲̲͕̖̳͉̫̖̰̔̎͑ͭ̽ͪ̎ͦ̍ͭ͐͢ì̆ͨ̇̅͏͎̣̘̱̮̯̜ᴚ̛̠̣̝͇̲̩̰̥͎͖͍̭̺̗͍̎̑̂̀ͫͬ̒ͧͮ͑ͯ͆̔̚ɳ̶͕͈̞̮̲ͯ̉͑̈ͯ͗̾ͮ́ͩ̿ͫͥ͞α̡̈̾̿̂ͧͨ̓͛ͥ͏̖̻͙̘Ƨ̴̨̝̜̯͔͖͇͉̩͚̫̙̤̬͚̰ͧ̆̏͒͑̓̋̎̔̾̒̕͜͟h̵̷̛̪͈̫̘̹̮̤̼̘ͫ̇͆̑̂͗̌͑̅ͩ̏̓͐̌̔͘͟Ⱥ̨͓̫̱̞̦̻̪̹̲̲͙̝̘̝͕͂ͫ̉ͩ̽̃̓̽̒ͪͬ͗̂́̚͜͞, they created a horrific virus called the Disease of Hate (憎悪の病気); it spreads if someone (Who is infected) uses resentment towards others.
The general of Ͷ̵̡̡̦̝͎̫̫̦͍̲̖̲̲͕̖̳͉̫̖̰̔̎͑ͭ̽ͪ̎ͦ̍ͭ͐͢ì̆ͨ̇̅͏͎̣̘̱̮̯̜ᴚ̛̠̣̝͇̲̩̰̥͎͖͍̭̺̗͍̎̑̂̀ͫͬ̒ͧͮ͑ͯ͆̔̚ɳ̶͕͈̞̮̲ͯ̉͑̈ͯ͗̾ͮ́ͩ̿ͫͥ͞α̡̈̾̿̂ͧͨ̓͛ͥ͏̖̻͙̘Ƨ̴̨̝̜̯͔͖͇͉̩͚̫̙̤̬͚̰ͧ̆̏͒͑̓̋̎̔̾̒̕͜͟h̵̷̛̪͈̫̘̹̮̤̼̘ͫ̇͆̑̂͗̌͑̅ͩ̏̓͐̌̔͘͟Ⱥ̨͓̫̱̞̦̻̪̹̲̲͙̝̘̝͕͂ͫ̉ͩ̽̃̓̽̒ͪͬ͗̂́̚͜͞'s army. He is way stronger than the lieutenants themselves. His right eye was ripped out by the Fire Guardian as he was trying to capture him. The medic of doom gave him an eyepatch to cover up his eye.

Ņ̵̘̗̪̙̣̮̺͇͎͉̲͌̃̆̐͗͑̓̕͠͝i̶̜̙͍̜̣͓̣̗͉̱͕̜̦͉̐r̵̨̢͉͕̘͎̳̗͉̤̈̌̈́̍͜n̴̪̣̤̖̳͋͐͑ą̴̢̨̛̖͖̪̳͈̣͖͔̥͔͍̅̓̽̒͊̒̈͂̈́̇̉͐̎̎̐̀s̴̰͖̙̭͚͎͓̫͍̬͓̖̍̾̽̌̊̀̇̽͂͊̽͐̕̕͜h̷̜͂͆̈́ȧ̸̗̞̼̠͉͇̥̬̗͔̞̎̈̇̏͋̄̀̕͝ (ニルナシャ)
God of the Apocalyptic Doom
Age: ?????
Height: 4 inches (Initial Form) 5'7" (Imperfect Form) 11'0" (True Form)
Species: Deity/???
Appearance: N̵͚̤͉̼̑́̐̊͠i̸͉͎̜͙̩̠̞͠r̴̻̪̪̲̳͋n̴̢̮̰̦̫͍̈́͗̍͠a̵̘̅̿̈̀͗͠ş̷̲͙̹̒̔̊̎ḣ̵̢͍̞̦͖͔̇̉̽̏̎ä̶̘̖͕̜͇͉̾͝ has 3 forms. In its initial form, he is a dark wisp with red glowing eyes. Its servants safely secure it inside an empty glass jar with a yellow lid. After its power slowly recovers, N̷̡͐̔͂̅̈́̒í̵̪͉̯̘͑̑̅͝ŗ̸͖̤̞̼͖̉̚ͅn̷̨̲͎̤͋̀̄̓͂͝ą̶̨̲̙̬̘͓̇̔s̷̮͒̃͋͗̽͋͘h̵̡͎̬̩̼̺͈͊̾̑̾͗̎̏͆a̸̯͛͝ transforms into an elderly human being wearing a dark gray hoodie with a gray shirt underneath, navy blue denim jeans, and gunmetal sneakers with gray shoelaces. Most often, he sits in his wheelchair and is accompanied by a medic to help move it around. In its true form, the form has been changed into a monstrous look with 5 red eyes (One is obscured by its bang), sneakers, a long coat, and medium-long hair.
Personality: Ruthless, power-hungry, intolerant of failure, misanthropic, sadistic, mysterious, and unknown
Element: Darkness
Type: Tricky
Likes: Destruction, hate, wiping out humanity, and its servants, stealing the Elemental Guardians' powers, growing stronger from the Disease of Hate, the lieutenants, the general
Dislikes: Love, the Elemental Guardians, the Sacred Heroes (Mostly Sacred Heart), Valentine's Day
Weakness: Love
Gender: Male
Darkness Manipulation
Hate Embodiment
Hate Inducement - Nirnasha can infect anyone with the Disease of Hate by touch
Disease of Hate - The source of his power. The symptoms are severe illness, vomiting black liquid, completely black eyes, blindness, resentment, black liquid coming out of eyes, brainwashing, violence, profanity, insanity, self-harm, depression, genocide, fever, and stomach pains. When infected, something black called Hate (ニクム) grows which makes it much worse. If the Hate fully consumes the infected victim's heart, mind, and soul, they will become brainwashed zombies of the God of Doom. The infected victim will die after the 20th day if not taken care of. If the Hate has been extracted out of the person who is infected by the Disease of Hate, they will no longer be corrupted by the Hate, but it doesn't cure them. There is a slight chance that the person who got all of their Hate extracted will die. Ͷ̵̡̡̦̝͎̫̫̦͍̲̖̲̲͕̖̳͉̫̖̰̔̎͑ͭ̽ͪ̎ͦ̍ͭ͐͢ì̆ͨ̇̅͏͎̣̘̱̮̯̜ᴚ̛̠̣̝͇̲̩̰̥͎͖͍̭̺̗͍̎̑̂̀ͫͬ̒ͧͮ͑ͯ͆̔̚ɳ̶͕͈̞̮̲ͯ̉͑̈ͯ͗̾ͮ́ͩ̿ͫͥ͞α̡̈̾̿̂ͧͨ̓͛ͥ͏̖̻͙̘Ƨ̴̨̝̜̯͔͖͇͉̩͚̫̙̤̬͚̰ͧ̆̏͒͑̓̋̎̔̾̒̕͜͟h̵̷̛̪͈̫̘̹̮̤̼̘ͫ̇͆̑̂͗̌͑̅ͩ̏̓͐̌̔͘͟Ⱥ̨͓̫̱̞̦̻̪̹̲̲͙̝̘̝͕͂ͫ̉ͩ̽̃̓̽̒ͪͬ͗̂́̚͜͞ said there is no cure for the Disease of Hate, but he thought wrong. There are only 2 cures: killing the God of Doom and someone that is the opposite of hate. All of the victims who died from the Disease of Hate will instantly be cured and revived if he is finally killed.
Hatred Empowerment - The Disease of Hate is its source of power. The more people that are infected, the stronger he gets, even if the Hate got extracted from someone who is already infected. It weakens when someone cures it with "Love".
Damage Nullification: Automatically activates only against enraged assailants and victims infected by Hate.
Virology Intuition: The beast and the general of its army worked on a powerful disease called the Disease of Hate. If this disease infects almost a quarter of the population of the world, it can now infect non-human races such as giants, demons, angels, elves, deities, and even the Sacred Heroes (Except for one of them).
Irreversible Destruction
Omnipotence (Only when he drains up all of the Elemental Guardians' powers)
Flight (Only in his Initial and True Form)
Control Immunity
Love Detection - Nirnasha thought there was no cure for the Disease of Hate, but he was wrong. When he detects an infected victim being cured by a goddess, it will hurt him as much as a heart attack.
Secret Skill:
Enhanced Shinigami's Curse - Most revival magic like Supreme Nature's Naturalia Salve, a 1-Up Mushroom, Amirra's resurrection magic, and the Ultimate Fairy's revival magic is completely useless now. If these get stronger, the Enhanced Shinigami's Curse won't be a problem anymore. The wounds won't be healed either. The Water Guardian's power is the only one that ignores the Enhanced Shinigami's Curse.
Bane of Light - Greatly reduces damage taken from light physical and magical attacks. Additionally, the damage he dealt with light-elemental fighters has been increased by 40%. It increases by 5% for every 25,000 people infected by Hate.
Nirnasha is the main antagonist in Ultimate Armageddon: The Eight Elemental Guardians. Long ago, a young priestess sealed all of its powers away with her sealing magic and imprisoned it inside a jar. In the present time, one of its minions, known as the Servants of Doom, invaded the priestess' castle, grabbed the jar with their master inside, surpassed the guards and the Sacred Heroes, and escaped the castle, thus completing the rescue mission. The general of Doom and the other servants will help their master get its true form back in no time. 8 guardians were on the run from Nirnasha and its minions, causing them to split up into different areas on Earth. While the servants of Doom invade Earth, killing anyone and anything standing in their way while trying to find the Elemental Guardians, the general of Doom has been researching a powerful disease that can turn people into brainwashed zombies when the disease fully consumes their heart, mind, and soul, called the Disease of Hate, thus doing whatever he says, such as capturing the Elemental Guardians if they see one of them or attacking the one responsible for being the cure to the Disease of Hate. As this disease spreads, Nirnasha's strength will return to it.

CAPTAIN YSUGRAAD (キャプテンイスガラーッド)
Age: ???
Height: 6'11"
Species: Demon
Appearance: Ysguraad appears as a tall muscular bearded demon with white hair, pale skin, dark purple sclera, yellow eyes, yellow glowing marks on his face, gunmetal horns, and bushy eyebrows. He wears a gunmetal hat with a red feather accessory, a gunmetal shirt, a purple long coat, a beige belt underneath a red cloth that was wrapped around his waist, brown pants, dark brown boots, and a gray cloth underneath the collar of his shirt.
Personality: Easily-angered, power-hungry, misanthropic, power-hungry, greedy, callous, blasphemous, genocidal, intolerant of mercy, vengeful
Element: Poison (Darkness and Water)
Type: Power
Likes: Conquering, victory, pillaging, treasure, power, his crew, destruction, taking control
Dislikes: Trey Ling and his friends (Mostly Eileen), heroes, peace, failure, deities (He thinks they are nothing)
Weakness: Light, lightning
Gender: Male
Theme: The Storm Bringer - Soul Calibur 5 OST
Weapon: Long Swords (One of them is also a gun.)
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Piracy Mastery
Hybrid Weapon Proficiency
Leadership Intuition
Boat Intuition
Passive Skill:
Deity Hater - Damage dealt to gods and goddesses will be tripled
Ysguraad, the most menacing pirate of the seven seas, will stop at nothing to attack and pillage anywhere in sight, slay anyone in sight, and achieve great power. He and his loyal crew of demon pirates began their first pillaging in the village of the Light Elf, slaying anyone and stealing anything in sight. However, the dreaded Captain Ysguraad's reign of terror was eventually undone. Under the protection of the king and queen of the village, a female elven warrior was able to fight and fend off the demon pirates. Just because he and his crew got fended off doesn't mean their reign of terror is over; they still have yet to attack, pillage, conquer the lands, and rule over the seven seas.