They may not be in the Super Smash Bros. Roster, but they will help the heroes save the day! Here are the Supporting Characters!


Cute Fairies of the Wind
Age: 9
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'8" if grown in human child size)
Personality: Energetic, kind, and cute
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Wind/Nature/Magic
Type: Speed
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Wind Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Wind Manipulation
Nature Manipulation
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, fire
Gender: Female
The Wind Fairy adores singing and dancing in the wind. The Wind Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of the wind, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of the Flames
Age: 11
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'9" if grown to human child size)
Personality: Energetic, outgoing, and arrogant
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Fire/Nature/Magic
Type: Power
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Fire Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Fire Manipulation
Nature Manipulation
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, water or ice
Gender: Female
The Fire Fairy adores singing and dancing at the fire. The Fire Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of fire, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of the Ocean
Age: 12
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'11" if grown to human child size)
Personality: Benevolent, caring, and sweet
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Water/Nature/Magic
Type: All-Around
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Water Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Water Manipulation
Nature Manipulation
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, lightning
Gender: Female
The Water Fairy adores singing and dancing at the ocean. The Water Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of water, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of the Storm
Age: 7
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'7" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Arrogant, playful, and energetic
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Lightning/Nature/Magic
Type: Speed
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Lightning Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment, the fairy sanctuary being invaded or destroyed
Electricity Manipulation
Nature Manipulation
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, earth
Gender: Female
The Lightning Fairy adores singing and dancing in the thunderstorm. The Lightning Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of water, sing songs, and fly.
Cute Fairies of the Light
Age: 10
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (4'1" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Calm, airheaded, sweet, and shy
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Light/Nature/Magic
Type: All-Around
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Light Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Light Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, the darkness, metal
Gender: Female
The Light Fairy adores singing and dancing in the daylight. The Light Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of light, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of the Darkness
Age: 8
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (4'0" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Malicious, arrogant, sweet, and deviously cute
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Darkness/Nature/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Dark Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Darkness Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, the light
Gender: Female
The Dark Fairy adores singing and dancing in the moonlight. The Dark Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of darkness, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of the Earth
Age: 11
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'9" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Kind, sweet, caring, and a bit clumsy
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Earth/Nature/Magic
Type: Power
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Terra Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Earth Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, the darkness
Gender: Female
The Terra Fairy adores singing and dancing for the earth. The Terra Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of the earth, sing songs, and fly.


ICE FAIRY (氷の妖精)
Cute Fairies of Ice
Age: 9
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'10" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Calm, caring, benevolent, loyal, and shy
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Earth/Nature/Magic
Type: Technique
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Ice Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Ice Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, fire
Gender: Female
The Ice Fairy adores singing and dancing in the snow. The Ice Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of ice, sing songs, and fly.
Cute Fairies of Magical Love
Age: 6
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'9" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Energetic, bubbly, cute, sweet, loyal, and supportive
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Nature/Magic
Type: All-Around
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Love Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Love Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, fire
Gender: Female
The Love Fairy adores singing and dancing with love. The Love Fairies all appear in large numbers and different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of love, sing songs, and fly.


Cute Fairies of Nature
Age: 8
Species: Fairy
Height: 8 inches (3'9" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Shy, timid, kind, loyal, benevolent, and caring
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Nature/Magic
Type: Speed
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, her sisters (the rest of the Nature Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Plant Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Weakness: Getting their wings pulled off, fire
Gender: Female
The Nature Fairy adores singing and dancing with nature. The Nature Fairies all appear in large numbers and with different hairstyles and clothes. They can use the powers of nature, sing songs, and fly.

Children of the Natural Fairies
Age: 0~3
Species: Infant Fairies
Height: 3½ inches (1'6" if grown to human child-size)
Personality: Similar to the Natural Fairies' personalities
Appearance: Natural Fairies have 4 outfits and 9 different hairstyles each, so there are 36 different looks.
Element: Nature/Magic
Type: Speed
Likes: Heroes, peace, the Fairy King, planting a garden, flowers, singing, their big sisters/mothers (the rest of the Nature Fairies)
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Powers: Similar to the Natural Fairies' powers and skills
Weakness: Similar to the Natural Fairies' weaknesses
Gender: Female
The natural pixies aren't as strong as the fairies since they are newborns. Their mothers/big sisters, who are the natural fairies that only match their elements, will take good care of these adorable newborns.

The benevolent ruler and protector of the Fairy Sanctuary
Age: 352,000 (Physically 41)
Species: Fairy
Height: 1'0" (5'10" if grown to human size)
Personality: Altruistic, mellow, caring, fatherly, loyal, kind, respectful, noble, and protective
Appearance: The Fairy King appears as an adult man with long blonde hair that reaches down between his shoulders and his armpit. He wears a white and cerulean kimono with a black belt, tights, leg warmers, orange wings resembling the wings of the monarch butterfly, and pink zori.
Element: Nature/Magic
Type: All-Around
Likes: Heroes, peace, planting a garden, flowers, singing, the Natural Fairies
Dislikes: Crime, invasions, villains, resentment
Weakness: Fire, getting his wings pulled off
Plant Manipulation
Nature Magic
Size Reduction
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Fairy Magic
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Valka's Dragon Sanctuary - How To Train Your Dragon 2 OST
The benevolent Fairy King that rules over the peaceful Fairy Sanctuary. He found lots of fairies being lost and homeless. So, with his nature magic, he created a Fairy Sanctuary with flowers, plants, mushrooms, logs, stumps, and trees. The Natural Fairies looked up to him as a father. As long as the sanctuary is in peace, all the fairies and their king will be happy in peace and harmony.

ASOBI YUUJIN (アソビ ユウジン)
The Destroyer's Best Friend
Age: 11
Species: Human
Appearance: Asobi appears as a young boy with medium-length brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a green shirt with a red neckline, light blue denim shorts, white socks, and chartreuse sneakers.
Personality: Energetic, caring, bubbly, witty, altruistic, joyful, fun-loving, incorruptible, friendly, kind, helpful, and very loyal
Element: Wind
Type: Speed
Likes: Friendship, his best friend Eclipse, making people smile, sunny days, cheering Eclipse up, ice cream with sprinkles
Dislikes: Sad people, misery, crime, fear, Eclipse feeling sad, Hakai Aku and Osore, villainy
Weakness: Sadness, fire
Gender: Male
Theme: Canary - Jim Yosef
Wind Manipulation: Asobi has the power to control the wind to attack enemies.
Aerokinetic Flight - Asobi flies using the power of the wind.
Aerokinetic Combat
Joy Inducement
Friendship Embodiment

TRIXIE (トリクシー)
Eclipse's Crush on Kindergarten
Age: 11
Species: Human
Appearance: Trixie appears as a young girl with a blond ponytail that reaches down to her armpit which is held up by a cerulean bow with a pink heart. If she takes it down, she has mid-back length straight hair. She wears a white skirt with a pink neckline, a cerulean skirt, a heart-shaped necklace, a yellow bracelet on her right wrist, white Mary Janes, light gray tights, a clover hairclip, and a heart sticker on the left side of her face.
Personality: Energetic, kind, very helpful, loyal, altruistic, bubbly, witty, and cute
Element: Ice
Type: All-Around
Likes: Friendship, Eclipse, making people smile, sunny days, cheering Eclipse up, Asobi Yuujin, love, strawberry shortcake
Dislikes: Sad people, misery, crime, fear, Eclipse feeling sad, Hakai Aku and Osore, villainy
Weakness: Hate, fire
Gender: Female
Theme: By Your Side - Jonas Blue ft. RAYE
Ice Manipulation - Trixie can use the power of ice.
Healing Magic
Ice Skating
Enhanced Agility
Cryokinetic Combat
Love Embodiment
Enhanced Cuteness

MRS. ROSE (ローズ夫人)
Faith Rose's Benevolent Mother
Age: 32
Height: 6'1"
Species: Human
Appearance: Faith's mom physically appears as an adult woman that has light brown hair that's about long and wavy. She wears a short-sleeved baby blue blouse with a white placket and green buttons, a burgundy pencil skirt, gunmetal tights, baby pink lip gloss, gold earrings, blue eyes, light gray boots. When cooking, Faith wears a white plain apron with 2 pockets and a breast pocket.
Personality: Faith's mom is very kind, mellow, motherly, altruistic, helpful, loving, and charming. She loves her daughter from the bottom of her heart. Before Faith's father was killed and Faith became the Pink Dragon, they all live a happy life. Ever since Faith's dad died, that doesn't stop her and Faith from living a happy life. Faith's mother loves to help other people. She doesn't like people being mean to her, but disrespect won't make her angry. Thanks to her daughter's loyalty, Faith will protect her mother whenever she's in danger.
Type: All-Around
Likes: Her daughter, Cooking, Doing her daughter's hair, peace, heroes
Dislikes: Something bad happening to her daughter, mean people, losing her daughter, criminals, villains, crime, destruction
Biggest fear: Heights
Gender: Female
Theme: Fluent in Purazzo - WWE/Deonna Purrazo's Entrance Theme
Enhanced Cooking: Faith's mom masters all culinary skills and techniques, as well as manipulate and temper with all kinds of edible food.
Cosmetology: Faith's mom can do anyone's hair very well. She even can do her own daughter's hair.
Driving: At the age of 20, Faith's mom passed the driving test. With her driver's license, she can now drive her car.
Secret Skill:
Wisdom - Humans may not have powers, but they can wisely call the police, firefighters, the ambulance, or the heroes for emergency help. Otherwise, they can solve the situation themselves.

MR. ROSE (ローズ氏)
Faith Rose's Caring Father
Age: 36
Height: 6'7 ½"
Species: Human
Appearance: Faith's dad physically appears as an adult man that has light brown hair that's about short. He wears a light gray blouse with a gray placket and white buttons, navy blue pants, blue eyes, white socks, a red bow, and chartreuse shoes.
Personality: Faith's dad is very kind, brave, altruistic, helpful, loyal, fatherly, and charming. He loves his wife and daughter from the bottom of his heart. Before he was killed and Faith became the Pink Dragon, they all live a happy life. Faith's father loves to help other people just like her mother. Faith's father encourages Faith and protects her whenever he, Mrs. Rose, and Faith are being attacked.
Element: Normal
Type: All-around
Likes: His daughter, his wife, his wife's cuisines, peace, Ann Star
Dislikes: Losing his daughter, losing his wife, something bad happening to his daughter, mean people
Biggest fear: Mice
Gender: Male
Theme: Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Driving - At the age of 25, Faith's dad passed the driving test. With his driver's license, he can now drive his car.
Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant - Mr. Rose. Faith Rose's father has been trained in martial arts since a young age and was able to use many techniques. He has a 5th dan in Akido, 6th degree in both Karate and Judo as well, which shows that he is a powerful opponent.
Mail Handler - Mr. Rose works at the post office as a mail handler, which assists in the process of making sure that letters and packages arrive safely at their intended destination.
Secret Skill:
Wisdom - Humans may not have powers, but they can wisely call the police, firefighters, the ambulance, or the heroes for emergency help. Otherwise, they can solve the situation themselves.

CARMIN BELLINI (カーミン ベリーニー)
The Diva of New York City
Age: 31
Height: 5'10"
Species: Human
Appearance: Carmin appears as an adult woman with medium-length blonde wavy hair. She wears a strapless red silk dress, a pearl necklace, tights, hot pink high heels, and 3 colorful bracelets.
Personality: Carmin is a mature, yet benevolent woman. She is a popular singer in New York and is predominately known for her amazing charity work.
Likes: Peace, performing, singing, BLT sandwiches
Dislikes: Running late, unhealthy food, Hungry Hippo, his food monsters, Obsidian
Weakness: Danger, crime, death
Gender: Female
Theme: Lana's Promo Theme - WWE
Singing Intuition - Carmin is a famous singer in New York City, so she has terrific singing skills.
Secret Skill:
Wisdom - Humans may not have powers, but they can wisely call the police, firefighters, the ambulance, or the heroes for emergency help. Otherwise, they can solve the situation themselves.

JASON (ジェイソン)
Cowboy Sheriff of Texas
Age: 37
Species: Human
Appearance: Jason appears as an adult male with facial hair and medium-length black hair. His outfit is based on a cowboy sheriff.
Personality: Brave, loyal, diligent, heroic, serious, and sometimes kind
Element: Normal
Type: All-Around
Likes: Taurus, peace in Texas, t-bone steak
Dislikes: Taurus getting bullied, Angus, the cattles (Sometimes), crime, villainy, destruction
Gender: Male
Theme: Longhorn (JBL's Theme) - Jim Johnston
Enhanced Gunsmanship
Peak Human Strength

STANLEY (スタンリー)
Madison's Crush
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Species: Human
Appearance: Stanley appears as a teenage boy with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a gunmetal jacket with white buttons, a white shirt underneath with a yellow-orange tie, dark beige pants, and brown clogs.
Personality: Kind, caring, loyal, charming, romantic, anthophilic, altruistic, helpful, noble, benevolent, peace-loving, gentle, calm, valiant, friendly, easygoing, and mature
Element: Normal
Type: All-Around
Likes: Madison, flowers, Soosoi Hibibibi, Ember, peace, tea, garden, Richter Belmont (His main in Smash Bros.)
Dislikes: Criminals, villains, the Tamashii Army, something ruthlessly monstrous, the servants of doom, withered flowers, destruction, Madison being in danger
Gender: Male
Theme Song: Sunkissed - Magicami OST
Gardening Intuition
Secret Skill:
Wisdom - Humans may not have powers, but they can wisely call the police, firefighters, the ambulance, or the heroes for emergency help. Otherwise, they can solve the situation themselves.

PEBBLES (小石ちゃん)
Sacred Earth's Pet Fairy
Age: 8
Species: Fairy
Height: 6 inches (2'0" when grown in size.)
Appearance: Pebbles appears as a preteen tanned girl with freckles, large buns with pigtails extending to her waist, and brown and orange eyes. She wears a top that exposes her midriff, a miniskirt with brown tights underneath, spiked wristbands, cottons below her elbow, leg warmers, an orange collar with a brown bow, and orange wings. She appears to be 2 inches shorter than the other fairies.
Personality: Shy, timid, easily-scared, gentle, curious, nervous, and somewhat kind
Element: Earth/Magic/Nature
Type: All-Around
Likes: Sacred Earth keeping her company, fruits, white bread
Dislikes: Azarax, not being safe with Sacred Earth
Weakness: The darkness, fire, getting her wings pulled off
Gender: Female
Earth Manipulation - Pebbles' earth powers aren't as strong as the other Terra Fairies, but she can make mud dolls.
Size Reduction
Nature Manipulation
Fairy Physiology
Singing Intuition
Sacred Earth found her trapped between the cracks on the ground and freed her with his earth powers. She went missing since the seductive witches attacked. The God of Rocks keeps her company and under his protection. She was killed by Azarax after she was annoyed by Sacred Earth too much, later, after the final battle and God of Rocks victorious, he sprinkles some healing sand a human merchant gave him on her grave. It doesn't revive the victim, but it does heal all of their wounds.

LUCY (ルーシー)
Age: 9
Height: 18 inches
Species: Cat
Appearance: Lucy appears as a young British Shorthair with gray fur and yellow eyes. She also wears a collar with her nametag attached to it.
Personality: Calm, kind, loyal, and helpful
Element: Normal
Type: Speed
Likes: Faith Rose, Faith's mother, Faith's father
Dislikes: Faith being in danger, Faith's family being in danger
Gender: Female
Feline Physiology
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Agility
Faith's pet cat. While Faith is gone to Peach's Castle to hang out with her best friend Ann, Mrs. Rose is always there for her. Lucy does hope Faith is okay...

CANDI (キャンディー)
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Species: Human
Appearance: Candi appears as a teenage girl with long pink pigtails, magenta eyelashes, and pink contact lenses. Her eyes are hazel when she takes off her contact lenses. She wears a red jacket, a hot pink top that exposes her cleavage, denim pink shorts, finger cut gloves, and gunmetal boots.
Personality: Energetic, defiant, fun-loving, cocky, sassy, spunky, direct, quirky, tomboyish, stuck-up, fiercely independent, and appreciative
Element: Magic
Type: Speed
Likes: Candy (especially lollipops), peace, racing, The Sugar Rusher, winning, the color pink
Dislikes: Losing, not being able to race, being called a "brat", losing the Sugar Rusher, meals without vegetables, candy with nuts, criminals, villains, the Sugar Rusher being destroyed, car crashes, traffic jams
Weakness: Nature or wind
Gender: Female
Racecar Name: The Sugar Rusher (シュガーラッシャー)
Racing skills - Candi is only 18 years old, but she has mastered the skill of driving a car!
Candi was to be a racer when she grows up. At the age of 13, her parents died in a car crash while they are on their way home. She was completely traumatized by the death of her parents as they die from a car accident. As long as she doesn't think about car crashes or get hit by an enemy's illusion powers, she'll be fine to drive.

LEMMY (レミー)
Water's pet fish that lives inside her bun
Age: 8
Height: 7 inches
Species: Fish
Appearance: Lemmy appears as a small bluefish with a white, teal, and yellow tail. He is seen inside of Water's bun like a fish bowl.
Personality: Shy, kind, caring, and very loyal
Element: Water
Type: Technique
Likes: Peace, heroes, the fish in the sea, Water, fish food, guiding Water and her allies like a compass
Dislikes: Fish-catchers, pescetarians, crime, villains, criminals
Weakness: Lightning
Gender: Male
Fish Physiology
Navigation Mastery


True Form

NIXPHE (守護火天ニクスフェ)
Fire Guardian of Wrath
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Nixphe appears as a young preteen boy with super long pigtails that reach down to his knees. As an elemental guardian, he has a huge halo and gigantic wings. In his guardian form, he wears a crimson red shirt with an orange cross on it, a red scarf, white bandages on his fingers on his right hand, a white bandage on his left wrist, gray capri pants, bandages on his calves, and sneakers with orange shoelaces. When he disguises himself as a human, he has red eyes, a white eye patch, red hair, a blue shirt with a skull on it, denim shorts, and sneakers. His bandages remain. He also lacks the pigtails when he's disguised as a human.
Personality: Aggressive, prideful, peace-loving, and easily angered
Element: Fire
Type: Power
Likes: Peace, heroes, Mario, fire, Sacred Fire, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, criminals, Something darker than the darkness
Weakness: Water or ice
Gender: Male
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Fire Manipulation
Fire Absorption - Gets stronger from taking fire physical and magical attacks.
Magma Manipulation
Lava Manipulation
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Pyrokinetic Combat
Magma Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
Lava Walking
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. As fierce as a phoenix, he doesn't back down from a fight against those who oppose him.


True Form

NIARRET (守護土天ニアレット)
Earth Guardian of Power
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Niarret appears as a preteen boy with messy orange hair. As an elemental guardian, he has a huge halo and huge wings. In his guardian form, he wears an orange shirt with black-and-orange sleeves, glasses, spiked wristbands, 2 on each wrist, gunmetal shorts with orange lines, orange leg warmers, and no shoes. When he's disguised as a human, he has brown hair, orange eyes, a white shirt, a red tie, a beige vest, white socks, pale dark brown shoes, and khaki pants.
Personality: Calm, protective, mature, a bit shy, diligent, intelligent, peace-loving, and smart
Element: Earth
Type: Power
Likes: Peace, heroes, reading books, white bread, earth, rocks, Sacred Earth, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, criminals, something darker than the darkness, losing his glasses (He is severely nearsighted, rendering him nearly blind without his glasses. He typically loses them for a while and stumbles around, knocking things over.)
Weakness: The darkness
Gender: Male
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Earth Manipulation
Dirt Manipulation
Sand Manipulation - Niarret creates sandstorms by flapping his wings
Earthquake Generation
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Geokinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Supernatural Strength
Enhanced Durability
Peak Human Intelligence
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. The smartest guardian of the group.

True Form

LYN (守護雷天リン)
Lightning Guardian of Arrogance
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Lyn appears as a preteen girl with yellow-light blue long hair that reaches down to her mid-back and rough pigtails on top. As an elemental guardian, she has a huge halo and huge wings. She wears a yellow top and yellow skirt with a white leotard underneath, white gloves, light blue headphones, no shoes, and lightning marks on her legs. When she's disguised as a human, she has blonde hair, yellow eyes, a yellow shirt with a purple star design on it, a gray skirt, white leg warmers, and gray sneakers.
Personality: Peace-loving, outgoing, cocky, playful, witty, fearless, energetic, tsundere, and arrogant
Element: Lightning
Type: Tricky
Likes: Peace, heroes, electricity, lightning, the sound of thunder, Sacred Electric, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, tomatoes, villains, criminals, something darker than the darkness
Weakness: Earth
Gender: Female
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Electricity Manipulation
Electromagnetism Manipulation
Thunder Manipulation
Electricity Absorption
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Electrokinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. She does act like a cocky tsundere, but she does have lots of fun.


True Form

ERI (守護風天エリ)
Wind Guardian of Peace
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Eri appears as a preteen girl with a super long ponytail that reaches down to her knees, gray eyelashes, and green eyes with clover-shaped pupils. As an elemental guardian, she has a huge halo and huge wings. She wears a sleeveless white leotard, green arm warmers, a princess-like skirt that exposes her legs, a four-leaf clover and a green strap as her belt, open toe tights underneath her skirt, a white band that holds up her ponytail, a flower, and a butterfly hair accessory, and no shoes. When she's disguised as a human, she has brownish-blonde hair, regular green eyes, a white shirt with a flower design on it, a gray skirt, white socks, 2 different color bead bracelets, and Mary Janes.
Personality: Calm, benevolent, sweet, altruistic, philanthropic, pacifistic, naive, innocent, optimistic, friendly, easygoing, tender, mellow, kind, gentle, merciful, peace-loving, and caring
Element: Wind
Type: Speed
Likes: Peace, heroes, calm wind, fairies, nature, the outdoors, Sacred Wind, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, pollution, criminals, heavy wind, something darker than the darkness, the shadowy disaster's servants
Weakness: Fire
Gender: Female
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Wind Manipulation
Nature Manipulation
Plant Manipulation
Healing Magic
Nature Magic
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Aerokinetic Combat
Naturakinetic Combat
Chlorokinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
Enhanced Agility
Escape Artistry
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. A true peacemaker. As long as the universe stays in peace, she stays happy.


True Form

ORCINUS (守護水天オーシナズ)
Water Guardian of Honesty
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Orcinus appears as a preteen boy with short blue hair, light blue eyelashes, and blue eyes with light blue circle-shaped pupils. As an elemental guardian, he has a huge halo and huge wings. In his guardian form, he wears an 8-buttoned, long-sleeved, sailor-collared shirt, denim capri pants, a blue scarf, white boots, and a beret with a shell on the side. When he's disguised as a human, he has blonde hair, blue eyes, a blue shirt, a tie with a yellow pin, denim pants, white socks, and brown clogs.
Personality: Timid, shy, easily-scared, caring, quiet, nervous, peace-loving, kind, caring, gentle, clumsy, kind of whiny, cowardly, curious, and cries when he gets scared or becomes shy.
Element: Water/Ice
Type: Technique
Likes: Peace, Squirtle, Alaska (He tends to call her "Ms. Alaska"), heroes, the fish in the sea, Sacred Water, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Fish-catchers, pescetarians, crime, villains, criminals, something darker than the darkness, the shadowy disaster's servants
Weakness: Fire, lightning
Gender: Male
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Water Manipulation
Ice Manipulation
Bubble Manipulation
Whirlpool Generation
Water Healing Magic
Resurrection Magic - Orcinus' revival powers are strong enough to resurrect anyone, thus resisting the Enhanced Shinigami's Curse.
Sonic Scream - Orcinus screams at the top of his lungs to let out a powerful sound wave that destroys anything in its path and knocks back his opponents. He uses this attack when he occasionally gets too scared.
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Hydrokinetic Combat
Nitikinetic Combat
Cryokinetic Combat
Water Walking
Ice Skating
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
Crying Inducement
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. A shy guy who dislikes people who eat fish called pescetarians. He has to protect the fishes from being captured, which includes the sharks.


True Form

SHADI (守護闇天シャディ)
Dark Guardian of Disaster
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Shadi appears as a preteen girl with long black hair that almost reaches down to her knees, that has a fringe that barely covers her face, and dull, black eyes. As an elemental guardian, she has a huge halo and huge wings. In her guardian form, she wears a black long-sleeved shirt with white ruffles, a white apron, a black skirt with white ruffles, a rose tie attached to her collar, black tights, a white headpiece, skull earrings, and Mary Janes. When she's disguised as a human, she has dark brown long hair that is slightly shorter than when she's in her Guardian form, a headpiece, purple eyes, and an outfit referring to a maid.
Personality: Shy, pessimistic, peace-loving, calm, emotionless, loyal, quiet, mysterious, relaxed, laid-back, and serious
Element: Darkness
Type: Tricky
Likes: Peace, heroes, roses, the dark, Sacred Dark, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, criminals, the sound of Orcinus whining, something darker than the darkness, the shadowy disaster's servants
Weakness: Light
Gender: Female
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Darkness Manipulation
Shadow Generation
Undead Summoning
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Umbrakinetic Combat
Night Vision
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. Doesn't talk to people much, but she does care about keeping the universe in peace.


LENTINE (守護愛天レンティン)
Magic Guardian of Love
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Lentine appears as a preteen girl with cute puffy pigtails and curled-up back hair, pink eyelashes, and pink eyes with red heart-shaped pupils. As an elemental guardian, she has a huge halo and huge wings. In her guardian form, she wears a cute pink and purple outfit that is referring to a magical girl. When she's disguised as a human, she has red hair, pink eyes, a pink shirt with a bunny rabbit's head on it, denim jeans, white socks, and red Mary Janes. She only holds a wand when she's in her Guardian form.
Personality: Cute, sweet, energetic, bubbly, comical, peace-loving, fun-loving, excitable, high-spirited, slightly arrogant, kind, loyal, and somewhat clumsy
Element: Magic
Type: Technique
Likes: Peace, heroes, love, sweets without nuts, Sacred Heart, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, sweets with nuts, losing her wand, criminals, something darker than the darkness, the shadowy disaster's servants
Weakness: Nature or wind
Gender: Female
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Love Manipulation
Love Magic
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Photokinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
Enhanced Cuteness
Magic Wand Proficiency
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. Does anything she can to protect the realm.


True Form

XERAPHIM (守護光天ゼラフィム)
Light Guardian of Loyalty
Age: ??? (Physically 13)
Height: 3'10 ½"
Species: Elemental Guardian
Appearance: Xeraphim appears as a preteen boy with white medium-length hair, light gray eyelashes, and golden eyes with white pupils, referring to the eyes when someone has the Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. As an elemental guardian, he has a huge halo and huge wings. In his guardian form, he only wears a long-sleeved baggy shirt, shorts, and nothing on his feet. When he's disguised as a human, he has a white shirt, gray jacket, denim pants, and red sneakers.
Personality: Calm, shy, timid, headstrong, peace-loving, protective, altruistic, kind, loyal, and charismatic
Element: Light
Type: All-Around
Likes: Peace, heroes, light, Sacred Light, the other Elemental Guardians
Dislikes: Crime, villains, criminals, the apocalypse, something darker than the darkness, the shadowy disaster's servants
Weakness: Darkness, metal
Gender: Male
Theme: Guardian Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Light Manipulation
Transformation Magic - Guardians can transform into humans only to disguise themselves. When using their powers in their disguise, their eyes change into their Guardian eyes.
Photokinetic Combat
Aerial Combat Mastery
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Strength
Peak Human Durability
Enhanced Charisma
Indomitable Will
One of the 8 elemental guardians who have a mission to protect the realms from a greater evil, until they ran away from a monster who will stop at nothing to steal all of their powers and rule the entire universe with their powers in its hand. The leader of the 8 elemental guardians who cares about keeping the realms safe.
Elf King

Age: 50,000 (Physically 41)
Height: 6'6"
Race: Elf
Appearance: The elf king appears as an adult elf with long blonde hair, teal eyes, pointy ears, and a chinstrap. He wears a crown on his head, a green long light coat, and a white vest underneath a white poncho, dark brown pants, white gloves, and grey boots
Personality: Serious, strict, calm, gentle, eloquent, peace-loving, taciturn, and fearless
Element: Light/Wind
Type: All-Around
Likes: Peace, the elf queen, Eileen, tea & biscuits
Dislikes: Ysguraad and his crew of demon pirates, the village being under attack, defeat
Weakness: Darkness, metal, and fire
Gender: Male
Light Magic
Tactical Analysis
Elf Queen

Age: 35,000 (Physically 34)
Height: 6'1"
Race: Elf
Appearance: The elf queen appears as a voluptuous adult elf with very long curly blonde hair, teal eyes, red lipgloss, and pink eyeshadow. She wears an elegant strapless green dress, long white gloves, black tights, a pearl necklace, a crown, and white high heels.
Personality: Sweet, kind, graceful, gentle, caring, motherly, beautiful, and helpful
Element: Light/Wind
Type: All-Around
Likes: Peace, singing, the elven villagers, the elf king, Eileen
Dislikes: the demon pirates, evil, destruction
Weakness: Metal, darkness, and fire
Gender: Female
Holy Voice - The elf queen's beautiful singing voice is capable of weakening evil species such as demons and reviving allies
Healing Magic
Singing Mastery
Feng Ling

The Older Brother
of the Kitsune Martial Artist
Age: 570 (Physically 22)
Height: 5'8"
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Feng Ling appears as a teenage kitsune boy with red hair, yellow eyes, thick oval-shaped eyebrows, and red fur on his chest. He wears a white sleeveless shirt wrapped in a gunmetal cloth, white arm sleeves, white shorts with gray spats underneath, white bandage cloths on his arms, gunmetal socks, and white-and-red boots.
Personality: Energetic, fearless, arrogant, combative, noble-hearted, strong-willed, doubtless, charismatic, feisty, active, and high-spirited
Element: Fighting (Normal + Fire)
Type: Speed
Likes: Dumplings, his family, being trained by his father, victory, peace in the village of the Red Kitsune, Ken Masters (His Smash Bros. main)
Dislikes: Being annoyed by his rival's arrogance, defeat, his friends being in danger
Weakness: Water
Gender: Male
Fireball Projection
Kitsune Physiology
Enhanced Martial Artist
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Agility
Ourákinetic Combat
Training Regimen
Pyrokinetic Combat
Claire Ling

The Mother of
the Kitsune Martial Artist
Age: 3,400 (Physically 38)
Height: 5'9 ½"
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Claire Ling appears as a voluptuous kitsune with long curly red hair, fuschia eyeshadow, pink lipgloss, yellow eyes, thin eyebrows, and red fur on her chest that is covering her cleavage. She wears a short red kimono wrapped in a black cloth, white leggings underneath, and red boots.
Personality: Motherly, kind, seductive, passionate, daring, mature, sassy, flirtatious, merciful, and suave
Element: Fighting (Normal + Fire)
Type: Technique
Likes: Dumplings, ramen, her family, cooking for her family, peace in the village of the Red Kitsune, Zelda (Her Smash Bros. main), peace, cozy fire, the priests of the village, tea
Dislikes: Villains, her and/or her family being in danger, one of her children misbehaving, Kritanta, destruction, fear, seeing one of her children feeling sad
Weakness: Water
Gender: Female
Sealing Arts - Claire Ling can seal enemy's powers, making them unusable
Healing Magic
Sleep Inducement
Kitsune Physiology
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Beauty
Shuang Ling

The Eldest Kitsune Sibling
Age: 600 (Physically 22)
Height: 5'10"
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Shuang Ling appears as a teenage kitsune boy with red hair, yellow eyes, thick oval-shaped eyebrows, and red fur on his chest. He wears a gunmetal sleeveless shirt wrapped in a white cloth, gunmetal arm sleeves, gunmetal shorts with gray spats underneath, white bandage cloth on his calves and wrists, and no footwear
Personality: Serious, laser-focused, fearless, combative, noble-heated, strong-willed, doubtless, calm, and taciturn abeit brotherly and helpful
Element: Fighting (Normal + Fire)
Type: All-Around
Likes: Dumplings, his family, being trained by his father, victory, peace in the village of the Red Kitsune, Ryu (His Smash Bros. main), tea, meditating
Dislikes: Being annoyed by his brother's arrogance, defeat, his family being in danger
Weakness: Water
Gender: Male
Fireball Projection
Kitsune Physiology
Enhanced Martial Artist
Enhanced Combat
Enhanced Agility
Ourákinetic Combat
Training Regimen
Pyrokinetic Combat
Tranquil State
Defense Break - Shuang Ling can break the opponent's defense with a focus attack
Qiang Ling

The Father of
The Kitsune Martial Artist
Age: 3,800 (Physically 46)
Height: 6'0 ¾"
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Qiang Ling appears as an adult muscular kitsune with red hair, yellow eyes, bushy eyebrows, facial hair, a distinct cross-shaped scar on his right eye, and red fur on his chest. He wears a gunmetal sleeveless shirt wrapped in a red cloth, gunmetal shorts, a white headband underneath his bang, a gunmetal fingerless glove on his right hand, a bandage wrapped on his left hand, and gunmetal boots.
Personality: Prideful, fearless, mature, noble, fatherly, combative, noble-hearted, strong-willed, doubtless, hearty, intolerant of disrespect, and high-spirited
Element: Fighting (Normal + Fire)
Type: Power
Likes: Dumplings, his family, training his sons, victory, peace in the village of the Red Kitsune, Terry Bogard (His Smash Bros. main), challenging tough opponents, sake
Dislikes: Disrespect, his family being in danger, cowardice, Trey Ling losing control of his corrupted form
Weakness: Water
Gender: Male
Fireball Projection
Kitsune Physiology
Martial Artist Mastery
Supernatural Combat
Enhanced Agility
Ourákinetic Combat
Training Regimen
Pyrokinetic Combat
Attack Prediction
Tina Ling

The Baby Sister of
Trey Ling's Family
Age: 162 (Physically 9)
Height: 3'11"
Race: Kitsune
Appearance: Tina Ling appears as a child kitsune girl with red thick twintails, yellow eyes, small oval-shaped eyebrows, a distinct scar below his right eye, and red fur on her neck. She wears a red short kimono with a white Chinese dress underneath, spats, and no footwear.
Personality: Energetic, outgoing, cute, sweet, childish, sisterly, feisty, caring, peppy, and fun-loving
Likes: Dumplings, her family, playtime, her doll, peace in the village of the Red Kitsune, Kirby (Her Smash Bros. main), cookies, the moon rabbit, rice cakes,
Dislikes: Being in danger, fear, Trey Ling's corrupted transformation, Kritanta
Gender: Female
Kitsune Physiology
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Cuteness
Eileen's Dad
Father of the Elven Warrior
Age: 5,100 (Physically 42)
Height: 6'0 ¾"
Race: Elf
Appearance: Eileen's dad appears as an adult elf with long blonde hair, teal eyes, and pointy ears. He wears a white shirt with a red tie underneath an olive green vest, dark brown pants with a yellow belt, and light brown boots.
Personality: Fatherly, caring, kind, peace-loving
Likes: Peace, his wife and two daughters, Young Link (Her Smash Bros. main), eagles, gardening, reading, bird-watching
Dislikes: Ysguraad and his crew, his family being in danger, his home village being under attack
Gender: Male
Disease Immunity
Eileen's Mom
Mother of the Elven Warrior
Age: 4,000 (Physically 36)
Height: 5'11"
Race: Elf
Appearance: Eileen's mom appears as a beautiful adult elf with long twintails that reaches down to her upper legs, cerulean eye shadow, peach lipgloss, teal eyes, turquoise earrings, and a turquoise hair clip. She wears a lavender shirt underneath a snow-white bolero, a leaf green long skirt, tights, and white boots.
Personality: Sweet, caring, calm, peace-loving, gentle, motherly
Likes: Peace, her husband and two daughters, Princess Peach (Her Smash Bros. main), eagles, gardening, making flower crowns, cooking for the family
Dislikes: Ysguraad and his crew, her family being in danger, her home village being under attack, destruction
Gender: Female
Culinary Intuition
Disease Immunity
Flower Crown Intuition

Younger Sister of the Elven Warrior
Age: 300 (Physically 18)
Height: 5'5 ½"
Race: Elf
Appearance: Evalynne appears as a slightly tall young elf with short hair and turquoise eyes. She wears a green short-sleeved romper with a diamond-shaped cleavage window, long white gloves, white leg warmers, light gray boots, and a hair accessory consisting of a four-leaf clover.
Personality: Perky, fussy, energetic, sisterly, peppy, prideful, somewhat arrogant, confident, and feisty
Element: Normal/Wind/Light/Electric
Type: All-Around
Likes: Peace, her parents, and older sister, Toon Link (Her Smash Bros. main), eagles, gardening, Feng Ling (Trey Ling's older brother), rock and pop music, Stormfang and Sharpgaze
Dislikes: Ysguraad and his crew, her family being in danger, her home village being under attack, not doing things her way
Weakness: Fire, darkness, earth, and metal
Gender: Female
Theme Song: Princess Wedding Frenzy Raid Battle - Kamihime Project OST
Weapon: Small Sword and Shield
Electricity Infusion - Evalynne can infuse electricity into her weapon, but she could take recoil damage doing so.
Enhanced Swordsmanship
Pankration Mastery
Shield Proficiency
Enhanced Dexterity
Enhanced Agility
Disease Immunity
Pygakinetic Combat
Vex's Father

Father of the Undead Tactician
Age: 800 (Physically 62)
Height: 6'3"
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Vex appears as an adult vampire with red eyes, short messy dark hair, bags under his eyes, and pointy ears. He wears a dark tuxedo with a necktie and a rose accessory, dark gunmetal pants, small glasses, a mini top hat, and pale brown clogs.
Personality: Calm, taciturn, emotionless, serious, scary, deadpan, and stoic albeit gentle and fatherly
Element: Darkness/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Red wine, his wife and son, horror stuff, teaching his son, nighttime, Sephiroth (His Smash Bros. main), reading, macabre
Dislikes: Humans (Sometimes), his son being in danger, loud noises, daytime
Weakness: Light, nature, wind, garlic
Gender: Male
Dark Magic
Spell Casting
Illusion Manipulation
Force Field Constructs
Curse Inducement
Superhuman Strength, Durability, and Speed
Vampire Physiology
Combat Perception
Magic Attacks
Enhanced Wisdom
Enhanced Senses
Solar Immunity - As a Grandmaster Vampire, Vex's dad cannot be harmed by sunlight
Vex's Mother

Mother of the Undead Tactician
Age: 766 (Physically 43)
Height: 5'11 ¾"
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Vex's mom appears as an adult vampire with red eyes, medium-short curly dark hair, dark-colored makeup, and pointy ears. She wears a dark long dress, light gray gloves, burgundy high heels, dark tights, and a bolero that also comes with a hoodie
Personality: Calm, taciturn, emotionless, serious, scary, deadpan, and stoic albeit sweet and motherly
Element: Darkness/Magic
Type: Tricky
Likes: Red wine, her husband and son, horror stuff, peace, roses, fortune-telling, nighttime, Sephiroth (Her Smash Bros. main), macabre
Dislikes: Humans (Sometimes), her son being in danger, loud noises, daytime
Weakness: Light, nature, wind, garlic
Gender: Female
Dark Magic
Spell Casting
Illusion Manipulation
Force Field Constructs
Curse Inducement
Superhuman Strength, Durability, and Speed
Vampire Physiology
Combat Perception
Magic Attacks
Enhanced Wisdom
Enhanced Senses
Solar Immunity - As a Grandmistress Vampire, Vex's mom cannot be harmed by sunlight
Mother of the Dwarf Berserker
Age: 43
Height: 4'9" (Dwarfism)
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Roxinne's mom appears as a young chubby dwarf with medium messy hair that is tied up into a bun, tan skin, freckles over her nose, mint green eyes, and heavy eyebrows. She wears a white strapless shirt that exposes her cleavage, a beige short jacket, denim pull-up jeans, a ruby necklace, and brown boots.
Personality: Klutz, kind, motherly, clumsy, gentle, and curious
Likes: Meat, her daughter, Diddy Kong (Her Smash Bros. main), bears
Dislikes: Overcooked meat, seeing her daughter upset, not being able to afford medicine to heal her husband
Gender: Female
Cooking Intuition
Poor Roxinne and her mother couldn't make enough money to buy her father's medicine to heal him from the chicken pox. What else will the dwarf village do without their protector? Later after that, Roxinne promised her mother that she will be strong enough to take her father's place as the new protector of the dwarf village.
Prince's Mom
Supermodel Billionaire and Mother of the Narcissistic Assassin
Age: 40
Height: 5'6 ½"
Race: Human
Appearance: Prince's mom appears as a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that reaches down to her middle back, brown eyes, pink lip gloss, pink blush, and a mole under her eye. She wears a strapless dress with a baby-blue bodice, a white skirt, a golden bead belt, gray tights, and red high heels.
Personality: Mature, flamboyant, somewhat jealous, beautiful, neat, motherly, sophisticated, elegant, haughty, and flirtatious
Likes: Her husband, son, maid, and butler, fancy stuff, diamond rings, cash, new gowns
Dislikes: Getting dirty, evil, immaturity, jewel thieves, slobby people
Gender: Female
- Enhanced Beauty
Prince's Dad
Father and Trainer of the
Narcissistic Assassin
Age: 44
Height: 5'10 ½"
Race: Human
Appearance: Prince's dad appears as an adult with a short blonde hairstyle and brown eyes. He wears a long-sleeved white shirt with a blue cloth underneath a beige vest, dark denim pants with a brown light belt, and some clogs.
Personality: Mature, serious, calm, fatherly, intolerant of fear, and eloquent
Element: Normal
Type: Speed
Likes: His wife, son, maid, and butler, Sheik (His Smash Bros. main), training his son Prince
Dislikes: Being dirty, evil, immaturity
Biggest fear: Imperfection
Gender: Male
Assassination Mastery
Enhanced Agility
Escape Artistry
Stealth Combat
Shuriken Proficiency
Martial Arts Mastery
Prince's Maid

Maid of the
Narcissistic Assassin
Age: 22
Height: 5'3"
Race: Human
Appearance: Prince's maid appears as a young adult with long maple-brown hair that reaches down to her armpits and bright brown eyes. She wears a traditional maid dress, a white garter belt underneath her dress, white kneesocks, and Mary Janes pumps.
Personality: Sweet, caring, gentle, somewhat easily scared, peace-loving, and cautious
Likes: Prince, his parents, the butler, cleaning, cooking
Dislikes: Being dirty, evil, immaturity, untidiness
Gender: Female
- Housekeeping Aptitude
Prince's Butler

Butler of the
Narcissistic Assassin
Age: 57
Height: 5'7"
Race: Human
Appearance: Prince's butler appears as a middle-aged man with grey eyes, a dark grey mustache, and a comb-over hairstyle. He wears a gunmetal tailcoat with a white shirt underneath, white gloves, white cuffs, dark navy blue trousers, and coffee-colored clogs.
Personality: Mature, serious, taciturn, kind, obedient, and calm
Likes: Prince, his parents, and maid, tea and biscuits
Dislikes: Being dirty, evil, immaturity
Gender: Male
Housekeeping Aptitude